Emergency service are covered I think. However I would expect them to be able to get to an emergency as quick as possible. As an ordinary driver you are not usually expected to this so no, no argument to support using the phone.
Radio etc. knee jerk I think. If you are found to be distracted then you would still get pulled (assuming the police saw it as an issue and there were police around). But the issue of changing the channel on a radio is far far less than getting engrossed in a phone call.
If you change your radio channel the same way you drive whilst on a call, you know, varying speed, wandering lanes, mounting the kerb, going through a red and so on you need to take the test again. Me, change channel, press button, done. What, fraction of a second?
Edit. Actually, vaping now seems to be the bigger distraction, people fumbling with the steering wheel hanging onto their crack pipe waiting to do Ivor the Engine impressions once they are out of the turn. |