I really get that people are angry (hell I'm angry too!) but they way politicians are largely playing games (both sides) and blaming anyone but themselves for not getting brexit sorted isn't helping anyone.
Personally the idea Government Ministers can force anything without subjecting it to Parliament (& the House of Lords)... well it just isn't British. British for me is a bit of pounce, a debate, everyone puts in their bit and if it's good for the country it eventually gets through. It's also the law of the land, if Boris doesn't like it tough (though that's not what he last judgement was about in itself)!
In the old days where the Government had big majorities I guess it felt a bit moot.
So are MPs are trying to stuff Brexit? I don't honestly think they are. I think they're just torn what's best for the country, with a few difficult sods thrown in which is a problem for the Government.
I think the mess we're in is being cause by first Rebel Tories voting down May's deal 3 times when they should have just accepted her deal was as good enough to get brexit over the line.
Now it's being caused by Boris playing hardball with both Parliament and the EU and putting the fear of God into people that he really 'wants' no deal. He's getting a massive push back, obviously supported by remainers but there are plenty who would vote (and who have done!) for a deal who are terrified of no-deal and want to avoid it.
Personally I don't want a no-deal and will cheer on any MP who stops it. I don't really want to leave the EU either but I think it's (now) Boris' duty to do his upmost to get a deal which Parliament approves of and stops behaving like he's a President or dictator in some other country.
I mean using some old mechanic to shut down parliament for a couple of months when it's only ever really been used to stop things a couple of days... well what has Boris being doing with all the time he had free? He's been canvassing and people have told him to FO and go to Brussels to sort things out, good on them. Well if he wasn't canvassing he wasn't writing the Queen's speech either was he? He's taking everyone on all sides as a fool.
I'm sorry I have a massive problem with "surrender", "traitor", "collaborator" (the worst one in my book), "enemy" and a lot of the language being branded about by politicians and then repeated in the press & on the street.
Since the vote for Brexit I have experienced first hand, and through my family & friends, a rise in racism in this country which wasn't here since the 60's.
We're talking assault, both verbal and physical,"foreigners" being thrown off buses, mixed race couples getting called out based on looks, people asking not to be served by "foreigners" in shops. It's properly foul. Boris & Co's language and behavior gets copied and used as an excuse for this abuse and drives it up. Why do I say that, because those words are copied in the abuse.
The idea that some Polish plumber, German pensioner or even second/third generation "Jamaican" have to get kicked out of the UK for the UK to be "great again" is a sick fantasy I can't support. The areas in the UK which have the least mixed communities aren't exactly doing better because of it are they?
We don't all have to agree about Brexit, about football or whatever, but we should at least be British... polite up front and slag em off down the pub! |