Publish time 2-12-2019 04:32:59
Well I built my server and banged my head against a wall with flexraid for about 2 weeks. Ive ordered unraid instead.
What is the best way to transfer files over to the unraid server? Does unraid recognise NTFS drives? Just wondering if I can create unraid with maybe 5 of my drives and copy the data off my other drives which are in the same server but not reformatted to unraid?
Publish time 2-12-2019 04:33:00
Dan, you need to take the drives out of the unRAID server as when you set it up, it will delete all content.Take the drives out, then start the array with a parity drive and one data drive.Plug your drives that contain your content into your main PC and drag/drop them onto the unraid server once it's set up.
One thing to remember - set up your unraid WITHOUT the parity drive to begin with.Once you've transferred all of your content, THEN allocate the parity drive.Doing it this way will give you write speeds of 60-70MBps, doing it after the parity drive has been allocated will slow things down to 25MBps.
Publish time 2-12-2019 04:33:00
I can't recall to be honest.They aren't that difficult to sort, but the metal is tough.If I were doing it again, I'd probably use a dremel to cut them off completely (just make sure you cut the right ones off, as you need some of them to support the drive cages!)
Publish time 2-12-2019 04:33:00
Have you had any stability issues?
Midnight Tboy
Publish time 2-12-2019 04:33:00
thanks Smurfin.
At moment I have a single bay free....so will order a 5 in 3 ready for once that is full.Parents have a dremel so I'll nip to theirs and pinch it when the time comes 
A bit non-related.But using other solutions such as Unraid etc....if you were to shutdown the computer, does it make all the hdds in the system spin up for a few moments just prior to shutdown, like Windows seems to insist on doing
Publish time 2-12-2019 04:33:00
It's been rock solid since day one.The only issue I've ever had (very occasionally), is windows says the network drive is unavailable or a disk is full (when close, but not at capacity.).Rarely happens, and performance has been spot on 
Publish time 2-12-2019 04:33:01
I'm not 100% sure, but I think so.The green "active" light on the drive cages comes on for each drive bay when the server runs through the shut-down sequence.
Publish time 2-12-2019 04:33:01
It will be slower but certainly cleaner.If you're in no rush, I might be selling my entire unRAID setup soon as I'm going to build a new rack-mountable one (part of the house refurb plans  ).
Publish time 2-12-2019 04:33:01
What fixed it when this happened?
Publish time 2-12-2019 04:33:01
when you shutdown unraid it will spin up all spindles before shutting down.