Publish time 2-12-2019 04:33:37
Its an existing server but im adding a new unformatted drive
Publish time 2-12-2019 04:33:37
The drive menu is definitely there. Once you log onto Unraid click the first tab and your HDD will come up. You have to "Stop" the server to see the drop down menu for the HDD.
Publish time 2-12-2019 04:33:38
I thought drives would only show up there once they were ready? The drive isn't showing up when I click on the drop menu with the server stopped. I might try plugging it into my PC later.
Publish time 2-12-2019 04:33:39
No. Unassigned drives only show up in the drop down menu when you stop the server. Is hdd been plugged in ok?
Publish time 2-12-2019 04:33:40
I think the hp microserver can only hold 4 hdd. You would fill those very easily and then you would be very stuck. May I suggest you think about 10 hdds (3tb each) minimum for future proofing. A Fractal Design R3 is a very good case.
Publish time 2-12-2019 04:33:40
i think i could build a cheap server at home.i may go down that route and build it up over time.i'll follow your guide to. cheers.
Publish time 2-12-2019 04:33:41
It turns out the drive was faulty. I plugged it into my PC and it was making all sorts of noises. Out of 16 drives 2 have been faulty. Not a very good record for WD.
Publish time 2-12-2019 04:33:42
Just to bump this thread. What version of unraid are you guys all running? I found out the other day that 4.7 Final and "stable" release has 2 major bugs. I have been holding out for a stable version of 5 for some time, and finally after months of promises and let downs/silence from Limetech, over the weekend Tom posted up a 5.0-RC1. This is the first release candidate to be tested. If no major bugs were found, it would be set to version 5.0 Final. Unfortunately in Tom's own words, the RC1 has turned out "to be a lemon". There are various people posting minor bugs, through to more serious ones with large parity sync slow downs. The major feature that people wanted fixing, was support for LSI chipset Controller cards, which has been broken since about 5 beta 12 I think. This is not fixed, and he has compiled on a newer kernel introducing new bugs and issues. 
Tom says he is going to go back to the last stable Kernel for LSI support, and recompile to form an RC2 version for people to test.
Not looking good for unraid at the moment, but atleast we see some proactive response from Limetech now after the months of silence since he has been relocating his business according to the forums.
Those of you that are running unraid at the moment, are likely to be running a version where something in it is not right. There currently is NO fully stable/bug free version, although a lot of people report that Beta 12 is the best 5 release.
Publish time 2-12-2019 04:33:42
What are the known issues with 4.7? To say everyone running unraid has issues isn't true, my 30Tb server hasn't missed a beat in over a year, unless there's some crippling bug somewhere that doesn't show itself until you've been running it for 18 months?
Publish time 2-12-2019 04:33:43
I have been running unraid for about 16 months now and I have been through all of v5 betas and I have had no problems at all. I am using the rc1 now and no problems. I thought there a significant issue with 4.7 as there was talk of 4.7.1???