Publish time 1-12-2019 22:13:38
Interesting discussion and replies from a marketing perspective as well as an AV enthusiast. The bell curve shows product take up from launch on the far left to obsolescence far right. As TV models change, every few months it seems, the curve is probably more in line with individual technology changes - CRT/Wide screen CRT/Back Projection/Plasma/LED/QLED/OLED etc. The curve could represent sales volume of one particular technology and where certain personality types make their buying decision. Bet if you plotted the replies to this thread so far it would pretty much make up the bell curve. Innovators make up about 3% of the population early adopters 13%, early and late majority 34% each and the rest are laggards.
I change every 3-4 years but not sure about OLED? As a once Pioneer plasma owner always concerned about image retention and screen burn, some talk around OLED suffering similar issues has held up my decision. In this instance I am probably at the right hand edge of early majority.
Ed Selley
Publish time 1-12-2019 22:13:38
I bought my current TV in 2012- a 42" Panasonic GT60 Plasma. In the fullness of time, I'll replace it with an OLED but I don't feel compelled to rush- I'd like a little more firming up on some standards and more of a normal evening's viewing to be in 4k first.
Publish time 1-12-2019 22:13:38
I have had five different main TVs in the last ten years so average age is around 2 years.Currently have a 55" LG E6 OLED with which I am more than happy.I'll keep this one for a while as the 3D is absolutely superb on it and no one now offers that facility on new sets.I bought it September 2016.
Publish time 1-12-2019 22:13:38
I keep thinking about upgrading but my Sony KDL-46HX923 still has a great picture and I find it hard to see anything yet that is worth spending thousands on to replace that has a significant improvement of the picture, even UHD models! I have had it 6 years and cost over £2,000 at the time. Would I get a couple thousands of £'s worth of improvement?? And, like others on here, I'm not happy that 3D has been dropped in most cases. Sony ZD9 would seem to be the most likely option but at over £3,000 for the 65in I can't justify it and what do I do with current TV?? Too good to chuck and I don't have a need for a TV in another room.
Publish time 1-12-2019 22:13:39
As I understand it the national average for upgrading TV's was every seven years with spikes before things like a major sporting event. Recently I seem to have bought a new TV every three years though.
Publish time 1-12-2019 22:13:39
I would consider a LG C6V as it's the best TV I've ever owned with stunning 3D /UHD performance and only cost £1400
Publish time 1-12-2019 22:13:39
Funny thing is, when I upgraded to a 65" screen a couple of months ago, the unit it sits on with all my kit in (which itself is 15 years old) proved to be a problem. Due to the screen size, the TV was now 'too high' and forced you to look up when viewing from the normal seating position, so I had to invest in a new unit as well. I found one in the end - lower, wider but narrower, so now despite the bigger screen, we've actually reclaimed lounge space. The Mrs is fine with that!!
Publish time 1-12-2019 22:13:39
every 10 year for me
Jumped from CRT to Pioneer Kuro and now KS9000
Hoping to stick to that for few years
Publish time 1-12-2019 22:13:39
And a happy wife = a happy life.//static.avforums.com/styles/avf/smilies/clap.gif.avforums.com/styles/avf/smilies/clap.gif
John Hother
Publish time 1-12-2019 22:13:40
I am - according to my lovely wife, a bad guy. I upgrade every year. Right now we have a Panny 65DX902b which is to be replaced in October to a Panny 65EZ952b.