gadget man Publish time 1-12-2019 22:13:09

HD TV started with a Panasonic VT20 but sold within 2 years (floating blacks annoyed me). Now own a Panaconic VT55 5 years old this October and not interested in upgrading to 4k, the dust needs to settle the spec is just changing too much now.

babator Publish time 1-12-2019 22:13:10

Current TV: an LG 55EG910V OLED bought in 2016.

Before that, it was a new TV in 2012, 2010, 2009, 2006, 2002/3?... so mostly every 3 years. Every time except the first and the last there was a size upgrade involved.

The one-year upgrade cycle was going from 40" to 50" at half the price of what I paid for the 40" LCD so maybe that explains the impatience 

All in all, it would have been less expensive to just buy a Pioneer KRP-500M in spring 2009 and be done with it for the last 8 years 

Makasu Publish time 1-12-2019 22:13:11

My current TV is a 50 inch Panasonic S20 plasma bought in 2010 I think. I will get an OLED TV when I can afford one!

mors Publish time 1-12-2019 22:13:12

I bought my current tv a Sony 75X9405 from 2015 last year.Prior to that I had a Pioneer 600A Kuro which I had for several years.I actually think it's sometimes better to buy the previous years model as I did.I bought the Sony 75X9405 for £3999 with a six year guarantee and sold the Kuro for £700 making tv cost effectively £3299.

The_Wierd Publish time 1-12-2019 22:13:13

Just got a new Panasonic 58DX750 (£700) a few weeks ago, before that was a Samsung 50C7000 plasma from 2010 (£1300), and before that a Hitachi 42PD5000 (£2500) in 2004. From this I have learned two things; one, I am getting poorer despite earning more, and two, each TV has been better than the last one, but half the price. So that's lucky. I imagine I will get a 70 inch OLED for £300 quid in another 7 years, which will be handy as I will be probably be subsisting on a state pension.

My viewing is split between TV and projector though, and I have alternated TV upgrades with projector upgrades, although only fairly budget models. Even with the new UHD TV, I still prefer movies on the Benq projector even if the picture isn't technically as good as the TV just for the scale and cinema feel.

The Samsung is actually still going strong but demoted to the bedroom until it dies, which is also what happened to the previous set. I think it has lost a bit of brightness over the years, but the picture is still pleasing.

kahlua Publish time 1-12-2019 22:13:13

bought a lg b6v last summer,which replaced a 3 years old panny 50gt50,been tempted by this years models but gonna wait for the 2018 sets.

hellblazer32 Publish time 1-12-2019 22:13:14

I used to own a 32" samsung that could only do 1080i, Owned that for I think 8 years? Upgraded last year to a UE43JU6000, Perfect for my room and wont upgrade till it dies! Doesn't get much use as it is so hopefully another 5 years lol.

Spacecat Publish time 1-12-2019 22:13:15

Current TV is my venerable Kuro 600a KRP which will be 9 years this November and cost me £5k

I see no reason to upgrade as the picture still looks great to me and I do my serious movie watching on my PJ bat cave set up.

If it packed up I would likely get one of the latest oleds. However I would prefer it if it was deemed a reference TV and my Kuro seem to be a thing of the past

PoisonJam Publish time 1-12-2019 22:13:16

Every 5-ish years, and even then I never buy the latest/high-end model and focus on value.

My current Samsung plasma has issues, so I do want to replace it, but 65" OLED prices are just too rich for me and just don't seem to be heading south at all. I definitely want min 60" 

GaryBritton Publish time 1-12-2019 22:13:19

I've only owned 2 televisions in my life a monster 43" Toshiba Rear Projection from 1998 -2008 and then a Kuro 500a purchased from TLC broadcast/AVF launch in 2008 so a 10ish year cycle.
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