Publish time 1-12-2019 22:13:04
In the last 10 years I've had two TVs. A Sony KDL-40L4000 that I bought on offer in Sainsbury's, I think it was December 2008, and now I'm using a Sony KDL-46W905 I got from John Lewis Home Outlet in January 2015.
I wanted to replace the 40 inch Sony with a larger screen a couple of years ago and had settled on one of Sony's 50 inch models that was popular that year (I forget the model number now, but it came in black and silver). One of the places I went to look at TVs was John Lewis Home Outlet and they had a fabled W905 in mint condition and low panel on time. It was the 46 inch and not the 55 inch model and it cost more than the newer 50 inch Sony I was also looking at at that time, but I couldn't turn down the W905.
I'm not interested in 4K at the moment, so will continue to enjoy the wonderful 1080p W905 display for a while yet. It's a great panel and has low response time for gaming.
Publish time 1-12-2019 22:13:04
Every 4 years or so will probably be my setpoint. Once I settle down and buy a house, I'll probably upgrade every 1-2 years and just shift the TVs around rooms.I'm lucky in that I have a sister and parents whom don't care about technology so I can always buy a new electronic item, hand the old one down to them and it makes me feel a bit better than I'm not being too wasteful.
This year, I could have held onto my 1080p samsung but I have the itch to upgrade screen size wise. Not too arsed about 4k or HDR. In all honesty I feel like we haven't even got the best from 1080p and 4k gaming is a pain in the ass and too expensive (looks at GTX 1080titan)
Publish time 1-12-2019 22:13:05
i upgrade every 3 years, i only recently upgraded to keep up with 4k gaming i'm hoping the tv should last a couple of years at least but i know the high res standard (4k, 8k, 10k and so on) always changes over time and quite often but i hold onto the tv for a while as i'm happy with it.
Publish time 1-12-2019 22:13:06
I usually upgrade every 2-3 years, having just upgraded to a 2016 UHD TV, but that will probably not be happening now that the dictatorship that is the "Supreme TV Manufacturing Industry" have declared through the "Grand CES" that we, of such inclination, can no longer watch 3D movies at home on their latest wondrous televisual;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP///yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7
Publish time 1-12-2019 22:13:07
When I move house! So on average every 7 years. Move the TVs round one room
Love my new Samsungks8000 bought this year for the uhd but my old Panasonic viera (forget the model) hasnt ever had the slightest judder or motion problem unlike my new set
Publish time 1-12-2019 22:13:07
I have a 4yr. old Panny plasma st60 (luv it) that's still going strong. This year I caught the oled bug, but Best Buy had the Samsung ks8000 on sale so I went with that. Very happy with the Samsung. Ask me in four years!
Mark One
Publish time 1-12-2019 22:13:08
Every three years for me, I think it's surprisingly fast how technology changes and improves.
Publish time 1-12-2019 22:13:08
I'm still sporting the 2014 Samsung UE48H6400 and have to say some HD material looks very close to 4K.
I would love to upgrade to a 4K HDR TV now that I have a PS4 Pro however half my TV viewing is still SD and until this changes I don't see the point.
Publish time 1-12-2019 22:13:08
My Sony KDL-40EX403 is still going strong some sevenyears after I bought it from JL. It has the occasional hissy fit when selecting HDMI inputs, and a recent transmission change on Freeview HD audio caused an issue with audio dropouts (luckily, the change was reversed). I know that I'm on 'borrowed time' with the unit as Sony hasn't provided any firmware updates since the end of 2015, so the next change to something Freeview-related could signal its demise, unless I just use it for its HDMI inputs.
I've been tempted to jump to 4K, but the continuing standards change (HDMI 2.1 being amongst them) is holding me back. That and the rubbish picture quality for anything other than 4K sources. Just about every panel that I've checked-out looks great when handling a 4K source, but upscaled HD looks wrong, and upscaled SD looks terrible to me, and given that at present there's a real lack of 4K material to watch, combined with the fact that Freeview and Freesat (my main sources) are largely SD, any move to a larger 4K panel would actually be a retograde step from my current Sony TV.
I'm definitely up for a larger panel at some point, but the dust needs to settle a bit in the 4K space and my current TV needs to die before SWMBO will give me budget approval to buy something new!
Simon D
Publish time 1-12-2019 22:13:09
On average every 9 years, my current TV is a Panasonic Plasma TH-42PZ81B.
I had decided on the LG OLED55E7N, but changed it to the LG OLED55B7V at the last minute I have a Price Match with John Lewis for £1999 against Total digital delivery on Monday.
Wallet ruled over my heart in the end.