Publish time 1-12-2019 22:13:29
I used to upgrade every 2 years or so.
I'm not able to do that any more, so my Panasonic GT60 will do for another year or two.
I'd love an OLED but: 1. Can't afford at present, and 2. Not convinced that the technology has matured enough yet.
My calibrated GT60 still looks absolutely superb, but I'd be interested to see HDR in action - more so that 4K.
I've already started my 4K/UHD disc collection as many titles only offer Atmos/DTS:X on the 4K disc.
Publish time 1-12-2019 22:13:30
As and when for me,
i very nearly got a ju7000 samsung a couple of years ago but funding was tight, currently rocking an lg ls5600 37in so i am well overdue an upgrade!
Got my heart set on an xe900 sony, it ticks all the boxes for me but im just waiting for the inevitable price drops.
I have to admit i have no interest in 4k, but it seems like the major manufacturers are determined to make people disregard 1080p.
Now if only i could find a 1080p, VA 120hz tv that supports full hdmi bandwith and doesn't retain;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP///yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7
Publish time 1-12-2019 22:13:30
Until recently, I only really upgraded when my 'current' TV packed up. I did upgrade from a 14" to a 26" when I moved out of my parents house but I kept the 14" for the bedroom until that gave up. I happened to come into some money just as the HD era was starting so I upgraded my CRT to a 42" Toshiba Regza which then got moved to the bedroom when Samsung launched the LE48A656. They stayed as my TV's but when I moved, the Toshiba broke. A few years later, my Samsung started playing up so I replaced that with the 55HU7500 4k TV and moved my Samsung to the Bedroom. When that finally gave up, I replaced that with the 48H6400. As the HU7500 needed the SEK to even cope with a HDR signal - although still couldn't give the full HDR capability - no more so than a KU series anyway, I opted to replace that with the 55KS8000 - Also for SkyQ as it had HDCP2.2 on all ports as well and the upcoming PS4 Pro and Xbox 'Scorpio' too.
The 'next' TV I buy will likely be an upgrade on the KS8000 - as far as specs and HDR performance as well as HDMI 2.1 ports for eARC, Game VRR and/or HFR (4k/120??). At which point, my KS8000 will probably replace the 48H6400 in the bedroom.
After that, I don't know if or when I will upgrade. It could be when these break down or maybe for a new technology - like proper self emitting QLEDs or Micro LEDs or even resolution - like 8K although this is less likely at the moment. I hope that QLEDs or Micro LED technology come sooner rather than later to coincide with Game VRR, HFR and eARC as I think these may well be a better fit for HDR and achieving the brightness that OLEDs can't.
Publish time 1-12-2019 22:13:31
On average I would say every 2 years, Not sure my 55" KS7000 will be upgraded anytime soon though. If we moved to a bigger house I would like to get a 65" though so that will be when it happens I guess.
Hard to fault it really! Ticks every box for me, Even the sound is decent enough! Certainly not over impressed by this years models.
Some of my "big" tv history...
First plasma was a hyundai 42" I think and cost a whopping £1800 way back in early 2000.
Then it was a 42" PHD8, Great set with the added HDMI board.
Then a 50" Kuro 5090
Then a 40" Samsung "LED" which was the first smart tv they did, Not very smart but still going well and super thin even by todays standards!
Then it was a mid tier 46" 6 series samsung
After that a 55" JL559000, Brilliant set form JL/LG
And now the 55" KS7000, Which for want of a better word is amazing 
The Kuro was also amazing but got so bloody hot, Never needed a heater in the room when that was on! Must have cost a fortune to run 
Publish time 1-12-2019 22:13:31
I seem to be 5 years looking back and my current one is 2012. I really would like an OLED but I just can't fit in a 55". Do they react badly if you saw a bit off?
Publish time 1-12-2019 22:13:31
Still loving my ZT65 but sorely tempted by OLED. I will see what happens with prices around Christmas but I'm more interested in upgrading audio as the TV still looks amazing
I spent 5 years reading reviews of Plasma Tvs befoe buying mine. I suspect I might be doing the same for OLED...waiting for the 'perfect' TV 
Publish time 1-12-2019 22:13:31
Pioneer plasma 720p then jumped to a Kuro 50" KRP500a loved that TV both bought from TLC broadcast great friendly company. Then purchased the last Panny VT65" calibrated which still brings a smile to my face. But temped by a 65" OLED this year B7 or E7 or wait until new models next year HDMI 2.1 etc 
Publish time 1-12-2019 22:13:31
Bought a 43" Sony X83C in 2015, sadly I wasn't very clued up on TV's at the time, had to replace it after a year due the terrible black levels of the IPS panel. Replaced it with a 65" Sony XD93. I'll probably buy a new set in 2019. Not sure if I'll go for a 75" LCD or a 65" OLED but it'll definitely be another Sony.
Publish time 1-12-2019 22:13:32
I have a 46" Sony KDL46Z4500 I bought IN 2008 I have had this set longer than any other TV I've owned, next year I'll get a 65" OLED if dynamic metadata is ready otherwise I'll carry on with the waiting game
Publish time 1-12-2019 22:13:32
I have a 32" Samsung 720p tv from 2006, that will be replaced when it dies.
It looked great in my old house which had a 11 foot square lounge.
We moved in 2011 to a house with a 37 ft x 18 ft lounge with 10ft high ceilings. I bought a Optoma hd20 1080p projector and a 106" screen, which we use for sport and films - the tv is still pretty regularly used in the room though