Garrett Publish time 27-11-2019 04:25:17

How are you finding the leveling of your gear rather than your weapons?

Have you experienced a phasing, e.g. I went to kill a rare which was part of the Wardens reward quest and I spotted it being killed and joined in but at about 10% it disappearedthere were others on it and expecting it to be killed but after a while it phased back in and I did not get the kill. Moving round the area it dead body appeared and disappeared a number of times. Eventually it respawned and I got the first in and a number joined in but round 30% it disappeared but then I got that ding sound and saw me getting the rewards. Similar thing happened a couple of times before.

chopples Publish time 27-11-2019 04:25:18

With the phasing I have not seen any of the issues that legion areas seemed to have. No mobs have suddenly appeared dead when I got near.

Levelling the neck is a lot more simple than weapons, ap automatically gets applied amd doesn’t go into the bags, for each rank you get a small Ilevel boost with the larger ilevel boosts being gated behind quests which unlock once u have enough rep wheras the big ilevel boosts for the artifacts was done via relics.

You get showered with Azerite gear. It is basically normal gear with a talent attached (kind of like a tier bonus) and you can find yourself switching them depending on what content u are doing (eg using survivability or aoe pieces for world content) it was frustrating initially as you would get a piece from a mythic dungeon but your neck piece would need to be level18 or so to unlock the first trait which is pretty high, this meant you would not bother equipping it. This was hot fixed though and the level requirements reduced.

One other thing I think they got wrong is the mob scale. You will be 115 aoeing 5-6 Mobs a time then u ding 116, legendaries will stop working and all of a sudden you can only kill 3 or 4 as your damage actually decreases. Fast forward to 120 and it gets worse. You get some gear upgrades and u would assume stuff dies faster but what happens is the mobs health increases with your gear and initially the rate is greater than your power increases so mobs take even longer, people where actually putting items in there bags rather than equip as it was quicker to do world quests with green gear instead of using there mythic dungeon stuff. Blizzard patched it though so the mobs take your actually ilevel and not equipped. They do get easier once you are 340


Garrett Publish time 27-11-2019 04:25:19

I would like it if the mobs back in the Broken Isle still leveled with those at 120 as its a pain often just spotting a rare and only a few seconds off tagging it and find its been one shotted by lv 120s its not only there for them that bough BoA its for those who also subbed and there leveling from 100 to 110 as well, or at 110 doing their class questlines.
I can't say I known past content where at this scale players have gone back to a previous expansion. I have know some go back to finish off quest lines when they finished off the new expansion.

chopples Publish time 27-11-2019 04:25:20

Nothing new this mate tbh, head to Pandaria there is often 30-40 people at a time farming sha of anger,galleon, isle of thunder etc...

It’s always been a pretty popular thing to do. I would actually wager most people actually see and do this content when it is no longer currentdue to not needing to be grouped to complete it


Garrett Publish time 27-11-2019 04:25:21

Im not talking about rare that drop mounts but say when there an assault although they cant spawn quick but some times you just needed one for a possible equipment slot drop befor the assult times up and you may even be waiting for it to pop and you just gone to get something the other side of the room or riding up and see it at 100% and some 120s one shot it.
I can see why peeps go back for mounts or as I say finish quest lines of but Im seeing on stuff with 112-120 in Legion as you normally see in areas on the fires few weeks of a new area in a that expansion.

chopples Publish time 27-11-2019 04:25:22

They won't be going back to just spoil your fun mate, there will be a reason for it, I know gold rewards are better from the legion invasions/world quests compared to the BFA world quests. It's also possible people are going back to work on various class mounts, certain consumables such as drums are easier to farm for with legion mats as well so people will go back for that.

There is a bit of a lul on the current expansion at the moment as people wait for the raid/M /warfronts etc.... to open so its probably as good a time as any for those with boosted alts etc... to work on the good stuff from legion

The fact so many are going back and doing legion content shows what a strong expansion it was


Garrett Publish time 27-11-2019 04:25:23

I'm not saying anything wrong with the players its that that the have not got the expansions sorted right in people are going back they not got BoA sorted right.
When I played the Beta I wa not happy with some of the changes, especially with the pets.
But is that sort of a retrograde step having to swap gear for certain events.

Garrett Publish time 27-11-2019 04:25:24

Did I say there was a lot of horde;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP///yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7

Garrett Publish time 27-11-2019 04:25:25       
I got this the other day for a period of 3 days, and although I been running there game and testing the beta and reporting errors up to the game going live(and I did a sub when it did) at first I thought I could take one of my 110 old chars and level them a but bbut seems like I had to make a new char but started at 110 but little over a hour I just did up to the set opening quest and meeting up with the harbour master after a prison break I got end of trial period

Garrett Publish time 27-11-2019 04:25:26

How you players getting on with Battle For Azeroth. I bought the game but have not subbed yet.
From what I played on the beta I was not over fond of it as a lot of other expansions early doors.
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