Publish time 27-11-2019 04:24:44
I got a quest for my warlock ie warlock only. I had to go to Exodor and clean it out of portals and save some peeps, after that was completed I saw a yellow ! on the map and went to it and clicked on the guy which the map had said it was but nothing. I looked on the forums and they said the same. I then looked at my log and it said I had to go to a part of the map I no FP to and its totally 180 degrees from the area I started in. Meaning I have to run thought 2 areas I not done yet to get to a third I not done yet, and I looked on the flight pad and no mage there to help me fly;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP///yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7
Publish time 27-11-2019 04:24:45
With regards above I looked up a trinket that drops in Exador and was reading up on it and some peeps had problems and abandoned the quest and re started it. I just went to the room in Dalaran and when though the portal and it had re set and had to do all again but found this time I was told to go back to the guy holding the barrier up and it progress further and was guven an item to portal out. There is a very small scene after he gives it to you but may not show till you use the beacon he gives you but you need to cancel the portal before it reaches the end of the cast bar.
The guy who gives you Nobundo's Last Stand still wont give you the quest.
Publish time 27-11-2019 04:24:45
Just to let you know every one alphaomega16 has been extremely helpful in game.
My sub ran out yesterday in the middle of 3 adds attacking me, I thought there was a warning the sub was about to run out and although I know on the sub page the time with not getting a warning thought I was an hour out.
BTW have they drastically removed a lot of stuff from the game Im sure I had camouflage on my hunter in Beastmaster which I played 99% of the time on my hunter and used it to get to a rare in some caves in Worlord's even some mobs in Cata. My hunters tool box seems to be very sparseto what it was I know they removed Hunters Mark last expansion which was helpful for taming hidden as when you found them could mark them before they vanished and still track and tame them.
Also some totems from my Shammy enhancement and the two spirit beast no longer heal, and I have to build power with rockbiter rather than it staring off at 100% and how come I can only build it to round 45% so whats the point in having a 100% bar?
I notice the Warrior stance missing and has Gladiator stance totally gone.
I did like the fact that each class has there own quest chain to start the new expansion although found it confusing remembering where everything is on all the different class halls for each char, where the entrance is the map and mission board, weapon forge etc.
Also found the mobs leveling with you good and bad a number of times I been hanging round for something to spawn and had mobs respawn and had to take them out only to find someone with 110 raid gear to fly in and kill in a few seconds before I could get to it and tab it.
Publish time 27-11-2019 04:24:45
Some chat on Hunters Camouflage here.
BTW I was annoyed the got rid of that glyph wheel as I had to buy or learn glyph to put in it and than they go and wipe it. I had ride on water on my Warlock when riding the warlock mount.
And how have they compensated weaponsmith blacksmiths now. Also finding skilling up other than foraging not the same.
BTW aside the above I do enjoy the game although not as much as I did though and right now just put a bit in front of Cata.
Lich King was my favorite expansion for me.
Publish time 27-11-2019 04:24:45
Camo is now a MM talent I believe.
Publish time 27-11-2019 04:24:45
Yes took it off all and stuck it in MM and Sur but completely taken away from BM.
MM, Sur and full BM talents.
Publish time 27-11-2019 04:24:46
Let me know when you planning on coming back and what you may need assistance with.
Publish time 27-11-2019 04:24:46
I managed to sit down last night and watch a film other than Saturday night for the first time for a month.
Publish time 27-11-2019 04:24:46
I just started trying to get my flying mount in the new area and I think Blizzard are taking the piss. In Warlords I managed to get the mount working at it fully in under a week but I just seen whats involved in part 1 let alone what I have to do when I get to part 2.
Also I found when I went to use the anvil(where ever its called) to upgrade my skills on my retro pally who's been sitting in the base and doing the quest, there to find one of the skills available is a reduction on Avenging Wrath cd, yet its not in the spell book for Retro but Protec
Publish time 27-11-2019 04:24:46
Check your talents, one of them changes it to a different name.
Just got to pally, look for "Crusade" if you took the 100 talent for it.