Garrett Publish time 27-11-2019 04:25:02

Whats up with Hunter pets they seem to be locked into there original spec back in the dark ages.
My favorite pet was a rune hound that coloured like the warlock mount now. It use to be a wolf, than a dog which changed it talents and made it a cunning pet.
Then when you could choose which spec a lot of pet that were not tanks I made tanks.
Now the stopped that. 

chopples Publish time 27-11-2019 04:25:02

I agree it is stupid and does seem a step back, on the plus side all damage has been normalised and all pets regardless of spec now generate the same threat. They have instead just added a utility passive and spell to baseline so you should be able to just use whatever pet you feel like

They have also added a baseline pet stun (intimidation) which is decent, ferocity pets also get bloodlust without needing one of the exotics and cunning gives u a trinket type ability

I was a bit gutted about them removing the battle rez. This was handy in m


Garrett Publish time 27-11-2019 04:25:02

Do you mean the Druid one or a pet in battle?

They removed a demon from the warlocks the big one with wings (I forget what they called it).
Also on Affliction you could have Siphon Life and Agony stacking up to 15 times now its one or the other.

chopples Publish time 27-11-2019 04:25:03

Hunter pet, quillen etc..

I don’t play warlock often and when I do it’s seldom affli but the biggest change I noticed when playing on the beta was agony being the only shard builder. With the dots I didn’t notice any change with amplification (thought drain would made them stronger?) but whenever I did a dungeon I still had to maintain 100% uptime in both and refresh before drop off so in that sense it didn’t feel any different to live, think it was 15 seconds although I would often refresh siphon life earlier if I was moving. For questing everything dies so fast that u can basically mash any button in any order


Garrett Publish time 27-11-2019 04:25:03

Leveling I usually do a affliction for survivability but I found in BFA using the voidwalker sucked it took too much damage and was spending as much time healing it as DPS(it also was pulling stuff from all over even bird flying overhead). So I switched to using Demonology, but for raids I use Destruction.

maverick177uk Publish time 27-11-2019 04:25:03

Well I’ve resumed and gone for digital deluxe for BFA, my Tauren pallyis 110 and I eventually got flying in broken isles he’s all set for BFA so I decided to level my very first character a night elf hunter from 2004! He’s now 107 and the flying in legion makes it easy to level, try8ng to get him to 110 just to get the mount before next week.

Garrett Publish time 27-11-2019 04:25:04

Is there a way to remove something in your mail auto fill?

I had a char that the name was taken so used an á and then the name became available, and as I not gone that far with them deleted them and remade thembut every time I now send mail to that char it auto fills to my deleted char

chopples Publish time 27-11-2019 04:25:04

not sure who to do it from stock but I have used an add-on for years called postal. This lets you delete autofill names

edit attached pic from postal extra tab



alphaomega16 Publish time 27-11-2019 04:25:05

What mount?

Garrett Publish time 27-11-2019 04:25:06

Can anyone get into WOW today I not getting the play button on the game open screen for WOW although it pops of for there other games.
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