Publish time 27-11-2019 04:25:57
Well I did nice upgrade I did some invasion quest and when I got back to Harbour I got a lv 330 belt most of my gear at present round 197 or lower.
Does the azariteyou mine on the quest still stay on the bar if you fail and the opposite faction win. Also although its classed as pvp do the other side attack or is there some sort of gentleman's agreement not to although there was one when the invasions were on in Legion and you got switched to a PvP server and occasionally they would attack?
Publish time 27-11-2019 04:25:58
Hi mate
the other side is AI, unless you choose to do the dedicated pvp option but this cant be done via LFG and requires a pre made
The amount you can collect per go depends on the difficulty. The actual figure collected within them goes on your bar, win or lose, and once you hit the weekly cap you get that reward 2500AP or whatever.
For example week one the weekly cap was something like 36k winning a mythic island would give 12k so you would usually only have to do 3 to then get the weekly award of 2500ap. if you lost one but collected say 8k then that goes onto your bar and you would just need to do an extra island and as long as you collected the shortfall then you will cap, regardless of victory
To add to to the confusion both this AP shares the same name as your neck AP so its easy to assume the first time you do one that because you collect say 8k that 8k worth of AP would be added to your neck. This is not the case, blizzard will only award between 150-350 for a win.
Hope that makes sense?? TLDR is its a pretty stupid system
Publish time 27-11-2019 04:25:59
Most of it apart from theTLDR which I looked up and google came back with Too Long Didn't Read
Publish time 27-11-2019 04:26:00
Forgot to say, if you enjoy islands then you can use them as a means to level alts
Publish time 27-11-2019 04:26:01
whilst questing with my lock I was camping with my hunter to get my cats brother so they could quest together.
Publish time 27-11-2019 04:26:02
mind you these are my favorites ever since I tamed one but sorry its now a dog and not a;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP///yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7
Publish time 27-11-2019 04:26:03
Right there a invasion in Nazmir and I only just got some chars attuned to Kul Tiras and nothing showing for them how do the join in or have they to do a beachhead quest on the island than then ride to where the inzasins going on?
Publish time 27-11-2019 04:26:04
Hi mate
When you zoom in to Nazmir does it show as an incursion being active?
I always thought that to get there and do the incursion then you either have to complete the beach head part of the campaign for that area OR if you have completed a beach head campaign for another zone you could just ride through the zone and get there that way.
edit... a bit of a tip whilst doing them, If there is a high density of mobs and there are lots of people killing them, then just one tag everything for a bit, even if your quest is finished you get a nice bit of xp for very little effort
Publish time 27-11-2019 04:26:05
Just rode there though some 120 which illed me and when I recovered my body it was still saying my body was dead  anyway got to the other region and did 5 starter quest although only needed 4 and a pain wa were it ended was miles away from a FP so ported to SW and having a break before handing in.
I think Ill do my lock later that has the FP as she rode round the other day when I was looking for in invasion although not 120
Publish time 27-11-2019 04:26:06
Hi mate
Yes it's worth doing them all even though u only need four as they offer good xp, it is worth handing in though as it puts you on another final quest which once done asks you to go back to boralus. You hand this in and get another large chunk of xp along with a 10% xp buff which lasts an hour