With the phasing I have not seen any of the issues that legion areas seemed to have. No mobs have suddenly appeared dead when I got near.
Levelling the neck is a lot more simple than weapons, ap automatically gets applied amd doesn’t go into the bags, for each rank you get a small Ilevel boost with the larger ilevel boosts being gated behind quests which unlock once u have enough rep wheras the big ilevel boosts for the artifacts was done via relics.
You get showered with Azerite gear. It is basically normal gear with a talent attached (kind of like a tier bonus) and you can find yourself switching them depending on what content u are doing (eg using survivability or aoe pieces for world content) it was frustrating initially as you would get a piece from a mythic dungeon but your neck piece would need to be level18 or so to unlock the first trait which is pretty high, this meant you would not bother equipping it. This was hot fixed though and the level requirements reduced.
One other thing I think they got wrong is the mob scale. You will be 115 aoeing 5-6 Mobs a time then u ding 116, legendaries will stop working and all of a sudden you can only kill 3 or 4 as your damage actually decreases. Fast forward to 120 and it gets worse. You get some gear upgrades and u would assume stuff dies faster but what happens is the mobs health increases with your gear and initially the rate is greater than your power increases so mobs take even longer, people where actually putting items in there bags rather than equip as it was quicker to do world quests with green gear instead of using there mythic dungeon stuff. Blizzard patched it though so the mobs take your actually ilevel and not equipped. They do get easier once you are 340
Cheers |