Publish time 27-11-2019 04:24:59
Hi mate it’s a filler cinematic so they don’t spoil the release, if you have done the lorderon and tree burning scenario they have used the thrall cinematic from dragon soul to not spoil that.
Once you kill Argus the unmaker that is the cinematic you get, sargaras stabbing Azeroth then getting pulled back by the pantheon, he is then put in prison and Ilidan stays behind with him.
Publish time 27-11-2019 04:24:59
I just realized something today that been bugging me since I started the beta, and that is I kept going into chat and when using my direction keys nothing was happening only the letter that I was pressing for direction, so have to click escape to delete it then move.
I thought I was accidentally hitting a key to bring it up, and then realised what it is. On my many installations I never had a chat bar being up permanently. I just wondered is there a way to remove it till want to chat and I don't mean move it.
BTW I noticed some of the cut scenes have been edited one I seen a few times is Sylvanas killing her own troops with fel stuff but the last time I got to that part with an other char it was not there.
And I don't know if a bug whilst playing a Horde char I got a cut scene where all the bosses of the races are at a table and a goblin shows Silvanas something and I got sent to Silithus I logged in today and was told in Silithus to report to them I want back and the same cut scene happened.
Publish time 27-11-2019 04:24:59
I dont think any of the cut scenes are bugs, they are just using old ones as placeholders, The one you describe sounds like the one you get after Argus has been killed, you are all in org and the goblin has found the new material and you get sent to silithus to investigate it (azerite), this should have been unlocked for all by now on live as it was needed to do to the quest line to drain the artifact. The Thrall one i mentioned before is from cataclysm has been used several times in the beta. There are some other game rendered type cut scenes though which have been added recently to the beta.
for the chat window I am not sure mate, do you use addons on live? You can change the slash command for opening the chat typing window within the key bind section, escape would usually close it.
Unless you mean hide chat completely? that can be done using a macro which you then place on your bar and assign to a key. We are that close to BFA though on live and if all is ok on that installation then it may be best to just wait rather than faff around with something which will become redundant in a few weeks
Publish time 27-11-2019 04:24:59
This is it which in this case is a bit high up so when clicking on something can go into chat or if lower just above action bars can be easily clicked on when clicking on spells.
As you say wait for the game to come out.
I probably hang on for a bit till more of the bugs are sorted and maybe if they add extra content. Wasn't in the present game assaults added later than at the start??
I play Rift and they have a lock and unlock icon aside of the spells which a few time in my years of playing clicked by accident clicked then on an otherspell and moved them round and sometimes even a target and deleted the spell and ended up in the;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP///yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7
Publish time 27-11-2019 04:24:59
Is it possible to buy a race change with gold as it is with buying game time?
I do find £19 a bloody cheek when they altered the talents of races a few times. 
Publish time 27-11-2019 04:24:59
Yes you can mate, you just buy a token on the AH and instead for using it for game time you can use it for battle net balance one token gives £10 balance, token price is approx 300k
Publish time 27-11-2019 04:25:00
I was looking on Petopia last night and saw Feathermains can be tamed but you need a book to learn the spell and have to do a lot of quest and have your weapon up to lv 52 to get the book. I had been leveling all my classes when playing Legion non that high and myhunters weapon is 22 but thought I could go back some time to the Broken Isle to level it up but on checking  so if you want the pet get before joining Battle for Azeroth.
Publish time 27-11-2019 04:25:00
bummer that mate, it only would have taken one world quest prior to the power getting drained (it about 1-2mill to concordance and world quests where often 3 ). I guess the colour variations on the various class mounts will also no longer be available as they also needed the power ascended achieve.
If you already have the achieve then it will be fine for BFA, the item isn't going anywhere just the means to get the achieve. I actually have the book, no idea why as i hardly play my hunter (approx 225 ilevel) I must have bought it when i got the mounts to dump all my resources which became useless once the gold missions got taken out
edit... I assume you completed the class mount quest line as I am pretty sure that was another requirement to get the power ascended items?
Power Ascended Artifact Rewards in 7.2: Class Mounts, Pets, Toys
Publish time 27-11-2019 04:25:00
No I not done the quest line I only just found out about it, I never even got to the point of grinding up flying in the Broken Isle. I got my flying quest in before it went live in Warlords.
I did try to cram it in on one of my chars but a lot I believe were in Sumara city and a lot kept sending me in areas where there was lots of elites and could see though disguises.
I know one quest I had to speak to someone past a lot of elites, then go and do the quest past them and then return. I think I did a few death runs to get to them and spawning near to them as possible, then HS out, flying back doing the quest, HS back out and gliding in to hand in and HS back out.
I also did the questline in Warlords for Gara.
I think both questlines have been a lot harder in Legion.
BTW there >upgrading the look of some creatures you can tame and downgrading others
Oh one good thing we get an other stable slot from 5 to 6.
Publish time 27-11-2019 04:25:00
Legion wasn't as alt friendly i think overall but the plus about it with flying and the class mounts was you only needed to complete up to the end of suramar on one char so the rest could just skip to the broken shore phase of the chain. Another plus is you didn't have to complete all the zones on one char to get the achieve. probably 90% of it would have been completed through normal gameplay.
It sounds like you where near the end though, the elite bit in court of stars area and also something to do with sewers i think?? been nearly 2 years since i done it, i couldn't be bothered putting myself through it with alts even though the artefact power was nice.
I wonder if the tome will show if you complete the class mount stuff? It probably worth doing anyway as the hunter mount is pretty nice.
agree re the pets. Textures are certainly better but they do look dull