Garrett Publish time 27-11-2019 04:24:46

Yes I saw they change the name if you took the talent now.

Garrett Publish time 27-11-2019 04:24:46

I took your advice on the pally and leveling him as protection. I did some quick Legion assaults with 4 or 5 chars to get some mats to do quest in my base and as I was doing them quick was not as careful and died on all the chars bar the Pally and he did them in half the time.
I think Ill sink all my achievement points in Proc now till I get to 110 with him as at 110 Ill quickly get points for his main spec.

Garrett Publish time 27-11-2019 04:24:47

What the hell just happened I got my Concordance up to level 11 and did a quest and got the Power of the Six and Power Unbound it also said I got my artifact upgrade I went to go to the next level and its been reset to 1 and requirements back to what was needed and instead of a chance of 10000 spell increase I'm back to 4000.

Garrett Publish time 27-11-2019 04:24:47

If your on sometime I need to try that Summoning Doom but need an other player.

BTW do they all have to be warlocks?

I got my artifact up to 12 but yet fail to see why the points were re;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP///yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7

Garrett Publish time 27-11-2019 04:24:47

Is there a quick way to get across the map when you don't have a flying mount or an FP? Last night I did a Rogue quest who 105 and had to get to get from Azsuna where I started questing to Stormhiem which took some time and and nedend up going though an area of 110 and got killed and just managed to get back out(wasn't helped by it being dark and raining).

Garrett Publish time 27-11-2019 04:24:47

I've just been wondering have I been lucky up to last night but when I joined teams and gone into PvP the many many times I never been attacked by the opposite faction, but last night for the first time I joined a team and noticed one of the team members had a shield on there avatar when I clicked on them and also so horde with that red symbol on there avatar and one of them came over and did an almost instant kill (like 2 repetitive shots/hits within a second of each other).

alphaomega16 Publish time 27-11-2019 04:24:47

Don't know, I do not do PVP.

Garrett Publish time 27-11-2019 04:24:47

not PvP as going into a battle but taking a boss down in an invasion, I think if the person who starts the team on a PvP server anyone joining moves to that server but the pother night was the first time I spotted (albeit tagged PvP) I seen the opposition flagged as PvP in fact when tabbing round I never tabbed onto the opposite faction but last night again I tabbed one.

Garrett Publish time 27-11-2019 04:24:48

Again today I been attacked by the opposition non when I was seeking it first one got killed quick even though they got a few blows in before I released it was a PvP char. I then before I got my health up got killed by some other player. I also decided if I ever joined a PvP team I would leave. I did join a party not in PvP and then all of a sudden BANG I was in PvP and attacked.

Garrett Publish time 27-11-2019 04:24:48

Im showing 100% at 109 ready to ding on my Pally which I leveled as Protection albeit not doing any dungeons. As you get a massive amount ofartifact pointswith one of the first quest is it a good time to swap to Retribution or remain Protection as I be mostly soloing stuff but just the odd chance may do a dungeon?

btw I saw this early this morningjoining a group and moved to a pvp realm and saw the horde ganking ally players who were in the area questing. Funny as I say not had the slightest bit of problems on PvP realms and everyone just doing the quest and then on 4 consecutive days its all out war.
Its a shame you can't sign up for just a PvE event rather than taking pot luck what realm your going on. The only way I found to start a group yourself.

Oh on world bosses I'm wondering I never seem PvP going on but if you AOE surly that would damage the opposition, a lot of the pallys tank damage is AOE so if you tank a boss have you to hang around till single target off CD?
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