Mr Incredible Publish time 26-11-2019 21:19:00

Offering a refund is probably the cheapest option that the Belkin/Distributor can achieve.I can't see anyone making a profit out of paying for the units to be returned, repairing and re-shipping for £45.In fact I can see them losing money on carrying out rectification.I think it'll be Hobson's choice.Pity for you guys who managed to get hold of one.

dunk05 Publish time 26-11-2019 21:19:00

Sorry, thought you meant send it out to the punter as Ian seemed to have been
offered only the option of a refund.I'm seeing these reappearing at the £40
mark with ~260 in stock at various sites so if they were pulled, they may be on their way back out.Since Hasnath's was ok, maybe there are only a few faulty
one's and they've all been bought by avs members? 

I'll give Belkin a bell tomorrow when I've got the serial number and see where
I can get.


n.simpson Publish time 26-11-2019 21:19:00

I just received an email from Belkin stating that they advised that I seek a refund from the supplier or that they'd refund me if I provided the receipt. I'll think carefully about my next move.

dunk05 Publish time 26-11-2019 21:19:01

I think you're right on the cost front, I know we've got a deal with parcel force
such that we can have goods delivered / collected for £5 up to 25Kg each way,
once you stick in someone's time, to test / dismantle / reassamble / retest
you've not got much change out of the £40 we've paid the supplier, never mind
what Belkin let them go for.All we can count on is their goodwill.

Wonder if Mip's heard anything back since he seemed to be getting further with
respect to them realising it's more widespread...


Ianfromnotts Publish time 26-11-2019 21:19:01

Of course if Belkin cant actually honour this element of their warranty i guess it also puts into question their ability to meet and extended equipment warranty or indeed waranties on any other of their products

Robmgti Publish time 26-11-2019 21:19:01

Ok next update from me. Ticket was updated very quickly this morning after i replied. They only have 1 unit in stock which has been promised to a customer, the guy has ordered another from the warehouse and will let me know when it arrives and has been tested.


n.simpson Publish time 26-11-2019 21:19:01

If they done this in the first place then the whole problem would've been avoided!

Ianfromnotts Publish time 26-11-2019 21:19:01

Interesting that they can order another from the warehouse when I was told they werent going to be getting any more stock in and there was no way they could replace.

Interested to know who has good stock and what the serial numbers were - as the easiest solution might be to order new units until I find 3 that work

Robmgti Publish time 26-11-2019 21:19:02

It is very odd we are being told to different things. Will update once im informed about the replacement arriving.


Ianfromnotts Publish time 26-11-2019 21:19:02

The person I was talking with seemed very aware that the problem was not isolated but was also some what careful with what she was saying.

That said though they are clearly Belkin product and the warranty within should still be valid.

It might not be economic for Belkin to repair / replace but if they werent able or prepared to honour their warranty they shouldn't have let these units reach the market place
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