Sirez Publish time 26-11-2019 21:19:08

What I don't understand is how they can still say there are 261 in stock with all the orders that have been placed 

Lowe Publish time 26-11-2019 21:19:10

Well I've got home and plugged it in - it's absolutely fine. Bargain. 

Sirez Publish time 26-11-2019 21:19:11

Well that's convinced me to place an order with the same company and see what happens, hopefully it won't get cancelled like my order with SHD Online.

Ianfromnotts Publish time 26-11-2019 21:19:12

A week on still virtually no progress, no warranty replacements and not even confirmation that the units on sale are safe - tally ho - lets hope theres not too much lightning over the next few days

Badcav203 Publish time 26-11-2019 21:19:13

Did SHD actually contact you to cancel the order? I also had an order with them but haven't been notified of it being cancelled, just checked my amazon account and the order isn't there. 

Sirez Publish time 26-11-2019 21:19:14

The e-mail I received came from Amazon Marketplace.

Mr Incredible Publish time 26-11-2019 21:19:15

"Thank you for your order with Crescent Electronics.Unfortunately the item that you are after is currently out of stock and we have been unable to source one for you, so we will refund your order.

Sorry for any inconvenience caused



Sirez Publish time 26-11-2019 21:19:16

This is the e-mail I received today too 

Ianfromnotts Publish time 26-11-2019 21:19:17

Me too

mike_smith Publish time 26-11-2019 21:19:18

ordered mine this morning over the phone and was still in stock
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