Robmgti Publish time 26-11-2019 21:18:12

Serial No on my unit: O0606C00309WM


Which follows on directly from yours Ian, certainly looking like a faulty batch to me at the moment!

Ianfromnotts Publish time 26-11-2019 21:18:13

I concur

Andris L Publish time 26-11-2019 21:18:14

Must have been assembled on Friday afternoon .

Robmgti Publish time 26-11-2019 21:18:15

Case logged and waiting for callback from replacement department to arrange a replacement!


mip.palmer Publish time 26-11-2019 21:18:16

Is that with Ballicom or Belkin? I have had mine replaced by Ballicom and it has exactly the same fault.

Regards mipmip.

Ianfromnotts Publish time 26-11-2019 21:18:17

I have just put a meter across the units power sockets and its power in mains plug whilst the unit is switched off and plugged from the mains.Interestingly I get a circuit between the two eath points as one would expect

but somewhat to my surprise or maybe not

I also get a circuit between live on the power sockets and neutral on the units mains plug.This doesnt sound right to me - ???

mip.palmer Publish time 26-11-2019 21:18:18

The plugs live and neutral are reversed as mentioned in post 13. Thats why the unit thinks your wiring is faulty when it isn't.

Regards mipmip

Ianfromnotts Publish time 26-11-2019 21:18:19

Its post 13 that lead me to run the meter over the unit as I wasnt sure if it was speculation or fact agreed with Belkin or Ballicom.If it is an acknowldged fault I dont understand why they haven't recalled from the distributers/retailers and faulty units are still being shipped to customers

mip.palmer Publish time 26-11-2019 21:18:20

I have just spoke to Ballicom and have agreed to wait until I have had contact from Belkin before deciding if I replace it (they have 267 units still) or get a refund. The faulty unit goes back to Belkin directly so Ballicom don't check them. I will post Belkin's response once level 2 support have contacted me.

Regards mipmip.

Robmgti Publish time 26-11-2019 21:18:21

Direct with Belkin as i would bet most of the Ballicom stock is faulty. I to am wondering why this hasnt been picked up sooner by Belkin?

They said the replacement team would phone me within 8 hours. Will update when i know more.

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