Woodywizz Publish time 26-11-2019 20:30:57

Thanks mate, I've already decided that I'm going to get Puremist to refund; and I'll get another direct from Eleaf.....many thanks for the code and for your advice.

GMC79 Publish time 26-11-2019 20:30:57

Nautilus mini on eGo ONE batt. On the light side not enuf volts, Purely just while my I stick is charging.

Woodywizz Publish time 26-11-2019 20:30:58

Update - I bought another one direct from Eleaf, got today - all good so far.

Puremist have eventually sent me a returns print out, but - in response to my email asking for a full refund - they have replied, rather curtly that they will 'review the situation upon return of the fully packaged product' (which is fudgeed and now will not turn on at all). If they do not refund for a product that stopped working within 1 day of receipt then I will muller them online on all their social networking accounts.

RandomLee Publish time 26-11-2019 20:30:58

@Woodywizz just call them and mention Distance Selling Regulations and Trading Standards 

Woodywizz Publish time 26-11-2019 20:30:58

I tried to phone them mate countless times but it just goes to a voicemail saying they are very busy and gives an email address. If they refuse to refund for a product that broke within 1 day then I will quote the above and see if that makes them change their tune, many thanks.

Dony Publish time 26-11-2019 20:30:58

Hi Matt...I've been away for a week and only just catching up properly now.

Sorry to here you've had trouble with the istick and dealing with Puremist trying to get it sorted out.
When I bought mine I went directly to the shop. The premises operates under the name of Total Vapour. I just wanted to reassure you that the business seemed totally legit and the guy was very helpful. I didn't get his name unfortunately.
They've got a FB page under the shop name as well if you need another way to contact them.
Total vapour Carrickfergus - Shopping & retail | Facebook
I might be in that area again next week if there's anything I can do to help out.

Member 720117 Publish time 26-11-2019 20:30:59

Hi, this is David from Pure Mist, I am sorry that you are not happy with the service you are receiving from us but I am not sure what more we can do for you.

You emailed us on the Sunday morning informing us of the problem, I replied to you on Monday with a pre paid returns label to send the item back to us. We have no problem refunding for items that are faulty but we do need them returned to us first which I have no record of receiving so far.

I am sorry that you have been unable to get us on the phone, we have 2 telephones lines and 4 members of staff that are available to answer them, we are open Monday-Saturday 9-5 and it is very rare for us to miss a call. We have received no emails from you since the last email I sent you informing you that I would contact you regarding this item once we get it back.


GMC79 Publish time 26-11-2019 20:30:59

Red Astaire inthe Nautilus. Love this juice.

sniffer66 Publish time 26-11-2019 20:30:59


Had the upgrade bug last week and wanted to try sub-ohming.
Aerotank V3 on the 20w and the Subtank mini on the 30w (bought on Friday). Still playing around with the Subtank on the 0.5 OCC coil but going to try the RBA later today.
Not entirely sure on lung hitting yet though.....

Woodywizz Publish time 26-11-2019 20:30:59

Hi David....amazing that you have not received the returned Istick as - 3 days before you did this post, I received the Istick back from yourselves, after a conversation 3 days prior to that with one of your staff who explained that there was evidence of liquid seepage into the unit and that you wouldn't refund but would return after you had dried the unit out.

I've consequently googled this and it turns out that this is a known problem with the subtank mini when using the sub ohm attachments - a subtank which I also purchased from you. It's still seeping now and I'm having to clean it every single hour. So, I'll probably be buying a new tank....but not from you.

Many thanks
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