RandomLee Publish time 26-11-2019 20:31:25

@Diskordian where did you get the Milkman bud? Nice set up btw 

Diskordian Publish time 26-11-2019 20:31:27

Its like a milky cereal taste, not too sweet either.
Uk ecig

Looking for the Muffin Man from the same company but cannot find any uk stock at the mo, not unless I buy at least 50ml

FlagshipDevice Publish time 26-11-2019 20:31:27

Arrived yesterday! Loving it. Seems really well built, easy to use. Very impressed with the subtank mini, getting good flavour and overall it's a really smooth vape. The Samsung 25r's seem to be pretty awesome too - started vaping at about 2pm yesterday until 3am thus morning, been using it for an hour this morning and battery level still at 89%!! Very pleased with it all. Just waiting for the D2 to arrive now. The XTAR charger also arrived yesterday lunchtime and that is pretty damn good too. Happy days.

Diskordian Publish time 26-11-2019 20:31:27

Is that the Sigelei 150w TC?

Tempted to order it but have my IPV3 Li for a big mod, battery life is not bad on that either

FlagshipDevice Publish time 26-11-2019 20:31:28

@Diskordian yes it is the Sigelei 150w TC. Still very pleased with it, performing really well. Still waiting for my IPV D2, should be here this week.

FlagshipDevice Publish time 26-11-2019 20:31:28

My IPV D2 arrived today. Been having a play this afternoon and I really like it. Very small and seemingly well put together, it'll be perfect for work etc. Vapes really well with my Subtank Mini. Nice little mod, liking this little fella.

nacmacfeegle Publish time 26-11-2019 20:31:29

100% agree with that, I really like the form factor and power output from a wee box the size of an Istick30.
I've been running mine with a Subtank mini andTi builds at about 0.18 ohms.For some of my juices it tastes much better than kanthal sub ohm builds.I'm getting a very smooth consistent vape in TC mode from it.
I haven't tried a Ti build on my 13 heavens RDA yet, I'm reluctant to destroy the dual parallel Clapton that is on it, as it took a good hour or so to get that just right!
FWIW I got my Ti wire from Stealthvape.

FlagshipDevice Publish time 26-11-2019 20:31:29

Yep, really impressed with it tbh. My mrs really likes it too, think I'll be ordering her one in a minute, and a Subtank mini.

I've yet to venture into the whole sub-ohm side of things. Still trying to get my head around it, and if it's something I need. In the last couple of weeks I've bought a Sig 150w TC and the D2 - both capable of TC but that was an insurance policy in case I ever decide to go down that path. I realised when I bought the Sig that it doesn't support ti but I knew the D2 does so bases covered.

At this point in time - I have the 1.2ohm coils and as I vape in the same way I smoked cigs, mouth to lungs, I'm finding that fine. But I'm curious about the sub-ohm stuff, just not sure what benefits, aside from huge clouds of vapour, it would bring me.

I'll never say never though, but I have it in my head that building coils is both complicated and time consuming. Definitely keeping my options open. Either way, I'm off the cigs so it's all good!

nacmacfeegle Publish time 26-11-2019 20:31:30

It's all good, vape whatever way that works for you.
I sub ohm a lot, the coils are no more complex to build than 'plus ohming'. But I've had some lovely vapes on some 1.5 - 2 ohms coils too.

Peeej Publish time 26-11-2019 20:31:31

For me the biggest difference is the way the flavour is carried.

Sub-ohming gives you a dense vapour with a full kick of taste whereas over an ohm gives a more defined taste meaning that you can get more subtleties from any juice.

So sub-ohming give a mouth full of a single taste and ohming (for want of a better word) gives a juice all the nuances of a complex flavour.

My current ADV is Sweet Voodoo from El Diablo, sub-ohm gives a lovely bash of sweet strawberry with a creamy taste. Ohm wise I can taste the strawberry, a distinct kick of sugar followed by a lush Victoria sponge on the exhale.

In terms of coils sub-ohming usually entails dual coils which can be more tricky to build a you need to make sure that they both glow up at the same time (although I have never used a sub tank just RDAs and normal RTAs so the builds maybe different)
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