nacmacfeegle Publish time 26-11-2019 20:31:14

Been playing with mine all night on my first dabble into temp control. Using titanium from stealthvape which arrived today. Anyone trying this needs to read up on it first, I'll try and find some links to stick up.
That's me right back to the bottom of the learning curve again, but I like it so far.
The subtank mini seemed to hold up well with 0.15 To 0.25 ohm Ti coils, first couple of efforts went fine, but still a bit of trial and error to come to dial it in.

S3rv3d Publish time 26-11-2019 20:31:15

Exactly the Setup I've got, I do take the Sig out though. Shame the Sig doesn't to Ti. Not that I've used TC, happy with kanthal if if honest.

RandomLee Publish time 26-11-2019 20:31:16

Yeah the Steam Crave was nice. I'll have to check out their new 2 post tank.

That new Cloupor looks great! I've never had a single issue with 30w and would happily buy another Cloupor product. I was actually considering the new GT but it's too big. Almost tempted to sell the Koopor and buy the 50w though! 

FlagshipDevice Publish time 26-11-2019 20:31:17

What chargers do you all recommend? Bought 4 Samsung 25r batteries and I've had them in my Nitecore i4 since 3.30. They've not gone past the first charge light yet! A quick search informed me that this charger seems to have problems with these batteries as it's an older model.

Quite happy to upgrade to a new charger, but what's the best? Happy to spend decent money so long as it's good. Preferably one with 4 slots like I have currently.

Edit - I bought them from Myepack, and I've done the various visual checks I found in an article to tell ( as far as possible ) if they're genuine, and they've passed all those checks etc. I'm satisfied they're the genuine item.

*Just ordered an XTAR VP4, as recommended by a mate.

Peeej Publish time 26-11-2019 20:31:18

Xtar VC4 Four Bay NiMH / Li-ion Battery Charger

I got this one, 4 bays can charge 18**** 26**** as well as standard AA batteries. All at the same time.

Its got a USB connection so can be used via a PC as well as from the mains.

FlagshipDevice Publish time 26-11-2019 20:31:19

Yes, that's what I've bought. I initially ordered the VP4 by mistake. Cancelled and got the VC4. Sounds good!

walks Publish time 26-11-2019 20:31:20

The VC4 is an awesome piece of kit, it's what I use as well, can't recommend it highly enough

RandomLee Publish time 26-11-2019 20:31:21

I replaced a faulty NiteCore with a VC2 

S3rv3d Publish time 26-11-2019 20:31:22

VC4 here too, just need a 2A plug to get the best out of it. I'm still using a 1A one though. Haven't got around to getting one.

Diskordian Publish time 26-11-2019 20:31:23       I heard a lot of people going on about the Milkman on other forums, got a new tank and mod arrive this week too - vape budget blown!Seriously good juice, like the IPV3 Li over my previous Smok cube 2.Better temp control and better general delivery of power, battery life also doubled.

The Smok TFV4 is a bit of a beast, actually found it too much with the pre-built 3 and 4 coils heads.It needs at least 80wto fire it and chucks mega clouds - found it too much for a daily vape until I switched to the RBA base with a 0.8 kanthal 24 awg and found the sweet spot around 45w.

Brilliant flavour, almost up there with drippers to be fair.
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