FlagshipDevice Publish time 26-11-2019 20:31:32

I'm liking the performance and taste I'm getting from the Subtank mini but I am getting leaking from the air vents. Not a huge amount, but it's there. No biggie when at home, I just periodically use kitchen towel to soak up excess in the vents, but it's becoming a pain when I'm out.

Or is it that all tanks leak slightly from the air vents?

walks Publish time 26-11-2019 20:31:33

Is the coil fully tightened? I had leaking from the airhole when I first got a subtank, turned out I hadn't quite tightened the coil enough. Not had a leak since though

nacmacfeegle Publish time 26-11-2019 20:31:34

I have 3 subtank minis and 2 Nanos on the go in regular rotation, the only time they leak is when I make an ass of wicking the RBA on the STMs, forget to put the RBA cap back on (normally during a whisky and vape sesh!), or if I mess up an OCC rebuild really badly, both are rare occurrences these days.
If you take the coils out, you can soak up any leaks, or condensation build up within the airflow base by using a piece of kitchen roll through the base threads, pressing the positive pin down helps get in about it a bit more.I've never needed to seriously tighten a coil back in, just a good firm finger tight is sufficient.

I've once had a split clear o-ring in a coil base, but caught that during re-assembly.

FlagshipDevice Publish time 26-11-2019 20:31:35

Right, looks like it was my bad. As suggested I took it apart and found I was able to tighten the coil just a fraction more. I thought I'd tightened it enough to start with and was worried about breaking something, but it's made the difference and having used it all last night it's all good. Lesson learnt - cheers guys.

GMC79 Publish time 26-11-2019 20:31:36

So nice to have ur fave juice back! I was working my way thru other stuff and promised i would wait till others were gone.
Took my breath away at first puff i forgot how strong it was, Awesome.

Purity(halo) sub zero.

FlagshipDevice Publish time 26-11-2019 20:31:38

No signs of any more leaks today, so I'm happy it was down to me. Just ordered another Subtank mini and also a Subtank Plus - I'm liking the idea of a 7ml tank for home use, so I don't have to fill it so often. That'll be fine on my Sig 150 TC but obviously it won't be going anywhere near the D2 lol.

nacmacfeegle Publish time 26-11-2019 20:31:39

Glad you got it all sorted out @FlagshipDevice , let us know how you get on with the Plus, I need one to complete my Subtank collection but have always been a bit put off by the size.....I only have wee mods, so might be able to justify a bigger box if I get a fat tank.

walks Publish time 26-11-2019 20:31:40

I have a plus, fits quite well on my ipv4, there is a slight overhang but it's hardly noticeable.

nacmacfeegle Publish time 26-11-2019 20:31:41

@walks Is the vape similar to a mini, and are the RBA's / OCC interchangeable with the mini (suspect they are).

walks Publish time 26-11-2019 20:31:42

Vapes pretty much the same, and yes the OCC and RBA are fully interchangeable, no difference at all.
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