nacmacfeegle Publish time 26-11-2019 20:31:04

My first dripper and can only compare with the much maligned Kanger ST minis and nanos that I like.
Quality is quite nice, everything is as it should be. The positive pin protudes slightly so it sits a wee bit proud of the Istick, I tried screwing the pin in but it seems like it is against a hard stop so won't go in any further, I can probably fix that though, but will hold off to see if another big mod has the same issue. Vernier gauge says 0.8mm gap between atty base and top of Istick.

It comes with 2 sets of slot grub screws and a set of hex (1.5mm key) grubs along with 2 spare sets of sleeve o-rings.The tips are pretty big, smallest 11mm od, medium is about 14mm, the big one is a gob stopping 16.5mm.The delrin isolator works very well to keep the small tip cool.
Two sleeves, copper and black aluminium (?) for cosmetic/fashion matching.

The deck is pretty spacious and, to me anyways, very easy to get to grips with.I threw the 2 basic coils together fitted, checked them on the meter, and wicked them in about 10 minutes using a kuro style coiler.The simple coils fired up nice first time and take about 1/2 a second to glowing at around 40-50 watts. Not bad seeing as this is the first time I've ever had my hands on a dripper.
You can run single or dual coils on it and can set the air holes to suit either.

So comparing with subtank nanos and minis that I use....
Flavour is pretty good, seems better than the STMs and based on similar coil arrangements, 0.5 - 0.8 ohm spaced coil, my standard fix for OCC and RBA decks.Vapour volume is huge, rich, and dense. Air flow is as much as I could ever want at full open, I have it set at around 1/3 open and using the smallest tip at moment, to suit my normally airy preference for lung hitting, and normally have my subtanks set at full open.I need to get used to the change in vapour volume and density, but have plenty more adjustment to play with, and options to accommodate me.

Its an entirely different vaping experience from the subtank. I'd say the step change is similar to going from my original Emow to the subtank experience.

For me this one is a keeper, 40 odd quid is reasonable, but I wouldn't be averse to suggesting trying a clone if you can find one.I got mine from Hog Vaping, ordered saturday, arrived monday to rural Aberdeenshire, stress free ordering process and good comms from them.

I'm looking forward to trying some more exotic and adventurous builds, but I think I will be limited by my my current mod, so might need some more shiney in my life.Your Sig 75 TC looks like a hot favourite at the moment, for any number of pretty obvious reasons, judging by reviews and real user postings.

On another note, I got a couple of newer (subox style "Mini RBA Plus") revised RBAs for my subtanks last night.I stuck a quick dirty wick of the stock 0.6 coil that came with itand had a hard hit session through about 4ml of 60/40 juice at higher than my normal wattage over the course of the evening.
I couldn't get it to burn or dry hit so am very pleased with those. I'll be running some max vg through another one today to see if it can keep up, but so far its doing very nicely.First impressions are that I like these over the OCCs that have been my go to for the STMs.

Kanger have even upped their threaded machining quality! The top cap of the RBA feels nice and smooth screwingit down.

S3rv3d Publish time 26-11-2019 20:31:05

I think ill pick one up soon. I do like RDA's, I just find RTA's more convenient.

Hows the new Subtank RBA for spitting? I used to get quite a bit on my original and I've got a Black V2 on the way for my girlfriend to go with her Coolfire IV. The spitting didn't really bother me but i think it'll put her off.

nacmacfeegle Publish time 26-11-2019 20:31:06

RTA's deffo more convenient, I just wanted to try the RDA to see what all the fuss was about, to have an excuse to waste metres of Kanthal, to occasionally chuck clouds for sh*tsngiggles, and to act as a tasting bed for home mixing.I'd like to try out some mixology, but need to get comfy with consistent builds on the RDA first.

It also gives me something to compare the flavours from the subtanks against.

Spitting, its not really affecting me with the stock coil, wicked with muji.It looks like a 2.5 ID at 0.5 ohms so probably 26/28g ish.I did give it a good pulse-ing which I find reduces spitting in general.I've also found that different juices, even from the same vendor and ratio can have different propensity to spit, so your mileage may vary.Air flow setting and drip tip selection probably also have an effect somewhere, not to mention how hard a draw is applied.

I've now run a tank   1/2 of 60/40, and a tank of 'max VG' through these coils and no real problems.I think they can take more power than the OCCs, so are making slight differences to my ADV flavours.A richer flavour, if that makes sense?

Until I got the new RBAs, I was a big fan of the OCC coils and was re coiling them happily, I didn't really like the old RBA as its quality was poor and the threading would jam up at the most inconvenient time.Not to mention its wicking foibles. OCC coils are much more convenient, consistent, and I would happily just pop a new one in as and when I needed to, then sit down and batch re-coil them.With 4 RTAs that all take the same heads, it made sense to have say , , and available to me.

TheRBA plus is a piece of cake to wick though.

Diskordian Publish time 26-11-2019 20:31:07

Snow wolf moved on and replaced by a Railbox mod with a temp control DNA40 chip and a UTA Ubertoot 2 clone in side.
Superb mod, bit of a dated chip but the UTA is just a flavour monster and happily produces stunning results at either 420f or 20 - 25w

RandomLee Publish time 26-11-2019 20:31:08

Koopor Mini 60w and BV Silo 


nacmacfeegle Publish time 26-11-2019 20:31:09

You got your issues resolved with this one Lee?

Edit, scratch that, just saw your post on the other thread.

Does look nice with that finish, and the Silo looks cool in an engineering sort of way.

ewizzy Publish time 26-11-2019 20:31:10

Saturday handcheck

Ipvd2 with my mad hatter rda

Dual ni200 coils, 10 wraps @ 2.4mm id, 32awg comes in at 0.06 ohms.

So far, I prefer the D2 to the sigelie 75 tc. Nicer in the hand, and has the ability to use ti coils which I think will be the way forward rather than nickel.                                                              

nacmacfeegle Publish time 26-11-2019 20:31:11                                                                            Subtank with a slight twist, new D2, and nice new juice for me.

S3rv3d Publish time 26-11-2019 20:31:12

Nice, looks like a few of us are rocking the IPV D2. Like the black glass. Playing with wicking on the new RBA and found a better way to wick the RBA as I was getting a few dry hits. Cant really explain (ill get a pic), but I make a little pocket for the juice to flow into, the cotton isn't covering the holes at all. Seems to be better so far. Getting the itch for a TM or 13H again, don't know which I like more.

@RandomLee, I should have had that Steam Crave RTDA off you. Purchased one last night, from the UK though (didn't want to wait for shipping). I like the new 2 post Velocity style deck they are releasing.

What you think of this? I know you like your Cloupors. $36 is pretty good. Kept a bit quiet and has come from nowhere.

FlagshipDevice Publish time 26-11-2019 20:31:13

Just ordered a IPV D2 as well. Its size will be perfect for work and when I'm out and about, and my Sigelei 150w TC will be my home device. Can't wait for them both to arrive! I'm leaning towards the subtank mini at the moment.
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