nacmacfeegle Publish time 26-11-2019 20:30:40

Shiney new things, 50w Istick with a Kanger Subtank Mini.
Been trying the supplied OCC 0.6 ohm coil all morning at various settings using 6mg juice as opposed to my usual 12 mg juice in the Emow tanks.The difference from the Emow with a 1.7 coil is night and day. The Subtank is a flavour and vape volume revelation and I'm very happy with it so far.I can't compare it with any other proper RBA style tanks, and haven't had it long enough to evaluate leaking issues etc, but am happy with it so far.
Also fairly satisfied with the Istick, but only have my Emow EGO Batteries to
compare with.Build quality, finish etc seems fine, silver is a bit disappointing, its not like a polished/ground metal finish (its almost a bead/ shot blasted finish), maybe should have gone for black.

Anyhoo, here's the pics, and one with the Emow tank on for comparison for anyone who is interested.

Any questions just holler.
Off to buy some kanthal next......after I've tried the couple of supplied coils.

S3rv3d Publish time 26-11-2019 20:30:40

Happy with my iStick 50w too, Ive been using it since Tuesday along with a one of my 30watts and the battery is still showing as full. Impressed!

Subtank Mini looks a good size on it too, Cant wait for my Lemo 2. I don't think my Aerotanks and Nauty Mini look right on there... Just a little too small.

nacmacfeegle Publish time 26-11-2019 20:30:41

The subtank sits on this Istick pretty much perfectly, and the battery is a nice fit in my hand.
For me it was a toss up between the subtank and the lemo drop, it was just the filling methods that swung it. I think the filing is revised on the Lemodrop 2 along with improved airflow control??
Online reviews are split in various head to head comparisons.

Either will give a good vape, allegedly, and both will probably look fine on this mod.

Dony Publish time 26-11-2019 20:30:41

I'll most likely be going for a similar setup and would be interested in your thoughts after a couple of weeks. I'm also coming from an EMOW beginning.

nacmacfeegle Publish time 26-11-2019 20:30:41

Sure thing Dony, just ping me a PM or let me know any queries.
Maybe even try and catch a coffee if you are over on a regular visit to the Aberdeen area in a couple of weeks, and you can try one out for yourself before committing. Perhaps catch up with @RandomLee for an AVF toke-in and compare with his .
It takes a while to dial in the settings and adjust the toot technique for a complete noob like me, but I'm getting there.
One thing for sure, rebuilding the coils on the RBA deck will be a whole heap easier than rebuilding a Unicoil!

Dony Publish time 26-11-2019 20:30:42

I'm actually across next week, staying in South Aberdeen (Portlethen) Monday and Tuesday night if you fancy a coffee or a pint!

After next week, it will be about 6 weeks before I'm back in that area.

RandomLee Publish time 26-11-2019 20:30:42

Sounds good, will let yous know tomorrow if I'll be aboot 

nacmacfeegle Publish time 26-11-2019 20:30:42          It's the same tank and mod as before (istick 50, subtank mini)just a new silicon sleeve and matching orings....
Very nice fit, and cost less than a pint.
Got it from Myepack, really impressed with their delivery.

S3rv3d Publish time 26-11-2019 20:30:42

Ill have the same setup this week, got a ST mini with the replacement o-rings coming for a daily tank, and will use the Lemo 2 and Goliath at home mainly I think. How do you find the RBA deck? Have you tried a 1.2-1.8ohm build?

I like the look of these silicone cases but i don't think i can justify it to replace the eleaf ones I already have. Vapor-Mod                - Eleaf Istick 50w silicone case

nacmacfeegle Publish time 26-11-2019 20:30:42

From pics and what I've read, I think the SBT RBA deck is not as good as the Lemo. By that I mean the coil terminals are just screws, not posts with holes to grip the coil legs.
Just a niggle as I'd prefer a better quality connection. But it's easy enough to build on and spare RBA assemblies are cheap and available. I keep a couple of spares to mess about with and can experiment knowing I have a working set up at hand.
The other niggle I have is the threads on the RBA can and lid section tend to bind and can be a pain to unscrew. Careful you don't tighten them beyond the loosest of finger tight.
They are easy enough to build on, I follow Rip Trippers wicking tutorial on YTand now have no problems.

I must stress I have no experience of any other RBA decks, and the SBT is the only one I've ever seen on the flesh. I'm sort of remote from other serious vapers.

Have done 0.7 to 1.5 builds a couple of times without issues.Been rocking my first twisted Kanthal today at 2.2 ohms and it was very nice.

Those sleeves you linked to have a better selection of colours than the one I got, And they look like a better design but hey ho..

I too have some other shiney things on the way, so have to rein in the spend for a bit.
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