Publish time 26-11-2019 05:38:53
Google really mate! Does take some searching and asking about but youl find them. And yeah wholesalers is where many butchers will buy from but youl want to find one that will trade to the public- you dont need to worry about bulk discounts or anything like that. The place I go to (mentioned below) is where ive seen some butchers buy from as well as many restaurants/ pub owners etc (when I first went to mine a landlord was buying a crap load of food for his pub.. which on research later had won a number of recent awards for its dishes!)
Of course I don't mate, I wish someone had told me sooner! I get mine from Meatmaster- based both in the covered market in Oxford town centre, and Osney Mead industrial estate (where I go- free parking etc haha). Their chicken is so much bigger and better than tescos etc (doesnt oose out a load of water when you grill them etc). Give them a go and see what you think.
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:38:53
You won't be disappointed. The difference in quality between their meat and the Morrisons stuff I was getting previously is huge.
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:38:53
I've used Kezie foods in the past, they sell a lot of exotic meats so it's good for abit of a change.
Their Kangaroo & Wild boar burgers are very nice.
As most places the delivery is pretty expensive but it's next day and refrigerated.
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:38:53
great thread thanks
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:38:54
The Clare Barry 20 breasts arrived today. My wife was impressed with the size and quality. Got them all separated into food bags and in the freezer 
Will give them a try tomorrow
Also, I know some people will turn their noses up but I was looking at some of the other lines on that site to make the shipping cost worthwhile and ordered some lambs liver. Got about a kilo for £6.99. Its dirt cheap, a great source of protein and chock full of vitamins.
I grew up eating offal all the time and my mum would cook liver, kidneys, hearts and also rabbit. As i said above its very cheap as there is little demand for it.
Was reading a Charle Poiliquin article about offal (he called it "organs") the other day and he said the same. Apparently predators in the wild will always eat the offal parts first as they know instinctively it is best for them. They often leave the muscle meat. Doesn't sound like the Yanks tend to eat offal at all from his article
Forget the shoe leather your mum used to serve up, I lightly cook mine pink, Italian style in olive oil\butter with fresh sage. Yum
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:38:54
Yeah let us know how you get on sniffer please. I would be interested how you think it compares to Morrisons/tesco/asda meat or where ever you usually buy from?
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:38:54
Just been to my local Home Bargains and no sign of the John West Tuna Fillets. Looks like it was a short term deal.
Although I didn't get any they did have some tinned mackerel fillets in tomato sauce for 69p each. 25g protein. In hindsight, that's pretty good!
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:38:54
Nice one Sniffer, let me know what you think. The quality is superb and you get none if the gloop that can come out if suoermarket chicken at times.
Not sure about offal. Liver and kidneys make me boak even smelling them although I like them as paté strangely.
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:38:54
I have seen (and had) the mackerel before.
Its not too bad, but more expensive than the sardines with less protein and more fat.
Still a worthy buy though.
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:38:55
You do realise it only costs £2.22 a kilo in Tescos don't you?