Publish time 26-11-2019 05:40:03
I always look in the reduced fridge section of Asda/Tesco and see what meat they have.
If you go very late on then you can get full joins for a little over £1, or full fish for 30p etc.
Today I bought some from Sainsburys like a pork loin for £4, a HUGE sirloin for £5 (reduced from £8), 2 duck breasts for £3, 2 tuna steaks for £3.60, plus a few other bits.
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:40:04
is some of that stuff from the fresh counter? i find they reduce items for around 6 o clock, then like you said theres further reductions later. best time to shop!
campy mccamper
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:40:05
I bought 1kg of chicken breast the other day in ASDA for £1.20, you have to be careful the as the reduced aisle can be like feeding time at the zoo when they are reducing all the bargains. and if you fall under the feet of a hoarde of angry middle aged Women, fighting over the food. You gonna get hurt
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:40:06
I steer well clear can't be doing with the attitude of some of the people when it comes to reductions
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:40:07
I bought some chicken fillets from these last week - great value if you live in the northeast...
Buy Fresh Boneless Chicken Fillets | Online Butchers | Premier Meats
plus, if you order online - you get 100 points which equates to 19 quid for 18 fillets...bargain, and lush to boot 
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:40:08
I use Premier Meats and Bolams, both great North East butchers.
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:40:09
It's worth having a chat with your local butcher. I went and saw mine and asked him what he could do and I get 5kg of top quality breasts at 6:50 a kilo. Grade a stuff as well, nothing like the supermarket stuff filled with water at £11 a kg
Member 639844
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:40:10
Ordered the Protein Isolate from Olymus so Ill see what thats like and let anyone interested know.About £85 for 4 x 1kg.
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:40:12
yeah, I've got a 5kg tub of their weight gain that was on offer ( - but if you use it as they suggest then it won't last plan is to use it in homemade protein bars and pancakes etc...
Member 639844
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:40:12
I try not to rely on the supplements. I have a shake for breakfast, but only 250ml (25g of protein) and will have one after the gym. I only use one scoop at a time rather than the suggested 2 based on some info that suggests more than 25g in one sitting isnt any more effective as your body can only really utilise that much at one. Im eating a lot of chicken and some fish so looking to get most of what I need from there, and just using the supplements as just that, rather than relying on them. I had a 5kg tub of their concentrate which was a good price (about £35) and that lasted me the best part of 3 months.