Publish time 26-11-2019 05:27:58
it's not just the food companies, so it's not all about profits. look at the all the government health agencies, who develop the food pyramids and recommended diets. for 30 years fat was the biggest enemy around. we were told to avoid like the plague, and it was all bout low fat. now, it's on the way back, fat is a vital part of any healthy diet and we're been encouraged to eat more healthy fats, in a complete turnaround
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:27:59
Just thinking here.
Some age old recommendations:
Don't drink tea/coffee in the evening
Don't eat a meal after 6pm
Always have breakfast
Cut out unhealthy snacks between meals
Eat plenty of fruit veg as part of your diet
These are well known 'my grandmother says' statements
if you think about it, this 16/8 diet that you describe actually ticks these boxes but with only the time of day being different.
Ie, if you don't eat a meal after 6pm and have breakfast at 10am then you've fasted for 16 hours 
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:28:01
I don't pretend to understand all the science behind fasting I just know it worked/ works for me , my wife, my daughter , my brother in law , family friends,work colleges and thousands and thousands across the world ...
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:28:02
I do all that during sleep, that's my fasting period 
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:28:03
Exactly !
My old mum lives until she was 88 . Apparently she are all the wrong fattythings and fried everything in lard even cooked chips in lard !
Now scientists and nutritionists are slowly changing to say eat fatty things , drink full fat milk etc etc .
That TV series a few weeks ago Sugar Free Farm excluded sugar from their diets but their new healthy diets included eating bacon fried in lard !!
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:28:04
That's a good start 
But it's not long enough for the body to recover as well as it could .
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:28:05
If it's simply to lose weight, fasting won't work for the vast majority. Feeling hungry is a big no no.
If it's to be healthier, just eat a healthy diet and exercise more. Fasting really isn't needed, but if it works for you 
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:28:05
What all night?
The first thing I do when losing weight is have a big breakfast
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:28:06
It's not about weight loss ..
As to feeling hungry .. .. The body is amazing at adapting , it takes just a few days to learn to live without breakfast .
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:28:07
My gran lived until 85 on 60 fags a day all her life.
My other gran was just a few months short of 100 when she died. Bacon, eggs, potato bread, soda bread, wheaten bread, all shallow fried in lard was a regular breakfast at her house. Everything in moderation was her moto 
I think most of us will have a vice (or 4) at some point in our lives and if we puts steps in place before it gets beyond hope of correction then we can still make a difference for the years ahead IMO.
Diet is the least of my worries right now but I still try to get good food into me as I know its important - the fags and drink will be the death of me unless I make some changes (***changes are already in my diary for April 2026 )