Publish time 26-11-2019 05:27:20
As an AvF blogger and part time plumber?
...sent via tap talk from within my greenhouse habitation module.
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:27:21
Never said they were trying to eat healthily 
It's just what they did .
The sugar and wheat addictions kicked in a few hundred years ago I presume 
The fasting lets your body repair and rest each day for 12hours ...kinda daily detox or defrag .
Any carbs are burntin the first 4 to 8 hours as I recall then your ( well MY body ) burns any fat that's around for the rest of the time I spend fasting .
You guys know I'm not selling anything here !!
I'm just trying to sharesome useful information I found out of necessity ...
I'm just the lucky 59 year old who regularly does 10 mile jogs ...
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:27:21
The act of fasting does, in itself have many health benefits. It's not just the act of cutting out carbohydrates.
Depriving the body of food for a certain amount of time isn't just about depriving it of calories and thus losing weight.
The effects triggered by intermittent fasting go much deeper than just weight loss.
The effects include resistance to disease and cancer, more efficient cell repair and lots of other benefits.
This is a good place to start looking into it:
I think there's a misconception here that fasting is just a 'diet' and another way of reducing calories and thus losing weight but it goes much deeper than that.
You can intermittently fast and still consume food that would be deemed unhealthy... but the fasting period negates many of the effects of the bad foods.
Yes, our ancestors didn't fast through choice but our bodies were designed to deal with this restriction of calorific intake.
Unfortunately, in the western world, we now have an abundance of food and our metabolisms aren't adept at dealing with this over abundance and the fact that powerful messages telling us to eat are constantly bombarding our senses. We are in a perpetual 'time of plenty' and our bodies consume constantly without ever having the opportunity to go through a natural period of 'famine.'
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:27:22
Perfect !!
I wish I had your way with words 
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:27:23
Now if youcould do that for a week or so you'd be AMAZED how great you felt !!
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:27:24
This is only partly true.
Of course natural sugars are better than refined and processed sugars.
However, the act of fasting IS having hugely beneficial effects on the OP's health... probably much more beneficial than the act of cutting out unhealthy carbs.
The whole philosophy regarding healthy eating is being turned on its head and calorie restriction is a finding that is part of that change in thinking.
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:27:24
Just enough to keep the doctor away
Like others have posted I don't have breakfast either. On the odd occasion I do have breakfast I don't have it 'til lunchtime.
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:27:25
Designed? Rather unfortunate choice of words.
But actually, I believe it is the opposite. Our bodies tell us when we are hungry. It is an inbuilt chemical reaction evolved over millennia. It is only the human brain that has (in some societies) trained ourselves some restraint or control.
Most animals will eat when hungry and stop when not. Many animals will just consume constantly where there is food.
The feeding of domestic animals at set times with controlled amounts is imposed on them by humans. That is a human trait.
I agree our ancestors may have had concentrated meal times with large intervals. But it was almost certainly a social influence rather than 'that's how our bodies work best'.
But each to their own.
You will find healthy people who fast and do exercise and can tell you how good fasting is.
And you will find plenty of other healthy people who don't fast and tell you likewise.
OP has tried it, it works for him. I may even give it a go.
But I really don't think you can base an argument of it being better than regular meal times through the day because some people in the past did it.
Off now to eat my lunch lying down. it's the best way, the Romans did it don't you know.
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:27:26
Well that was a disaster. Soup all down my shirt.
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:27:27
That's so true . I read about a scientific paper due for release soon that suggests that in twenty years time they will be be reading in disbelief of how people used to eat at breakfast time !!Rather like we talk about the generations who smoked themselves to death . ..