balidey Publish time 26-11-2019 05:27:38

And Del Boy famously said 'Breakfast is for wimps Rodney'.
I eat when I am hungry. Not because a 50 year old advertising campaign tells me.
yes, it may have been an ad campaign. But it does not mean that we conform to modern eating habits because of it.
If that really was the case, then the ad agency deserves a medal.

IronGiant Publish time 26-11-2019 05:27:39

TIL that fasting affects memory :


Flashy Publish time 26-11-2019 05:27:40

I think that's it, in a nutshell. And don't most of us fast for more than eight hours overnight anyway?

I didn't really eat breakfast for years. So, I was fasting until lunchtime. 'Lunchtime...'

I started eating breakfast because I found myself eating lunch at work at 11am, and then I was hungry again by mid-afternoon and would cave and have a snack – generally something unhealthy.

I started eating breakfast again while watching what I ate and doing more exercise and then lost weight. I've since put it back on, and that's because I've been consuming more less-good food and drink. When I've got the inclination, I'll change my lifestyle again and hopefully stick to it.

Losing weight was the goal, but I felt better and had more energy when I ate a better diet. You could easily flip that round, as they seem to go hand in hand.

Paleo, atkins, GI, fasting... All sound like fads to me. A bit like one glass of red wine a day having health benefits one minute and then being detrimental the next – all backed up by those scientific papers...

I can't see that it's anything more than eat a bit better and exercise a bit more and you'll feel a bit better and, hopefully, live a bit longer. But I can't see me ever letting it rule my life. You only get one shot at life, enjoy it.

Zincubus Publish time 26-11-2019 05:27:40

Oddly enough !!!!

I did that very thing over the Christmas period 17 days ... I had a full English most mornings , reintroduced all the things I'd excluded including bread nearly every lunch and evening meal , all my fave chocolate treats , chocolate orange ,mince pies   etc etc . !!

Result ??

I wasted the whole holiday either eating junk , craving more junk and sleeping off the over eating . Sure it all tasted nice but I was quickly back to being lethargic , irritable and generally sh*t .
Headaches and indigestion returned and so on .
I also put on 4lbs in those 17 days ...

It took me a week to recover and two weeks to lose the 4 pounds .   ..

Never again .

If we go out to friends I will indulge in some of the above things but just as a one off....

I guess the secret is to have no chocolate treats or bread or anything actually in the house - so no temptations .

Luckily my wife follows this regime now although shehas stuck with 16:8 fasting. ...

Many of you could benefit from my mistakes ...

imightbewrong Publish time 26-11-2019 05:27:41

So eating breakfast 'made' you eat lots of junk food which made you feel ill and the weight came back on?Seems a stretch to blame breakfast IMO.

Zincubus Publish time 26-11-2019 05:27:42

I don't follow to be honest .

I have a poor memory but that's due to Aspergers / dyslexia 

soupdragon Publish time 26-11-2019 05:27:44

I know what you are saying but in reality, saying that 'breakfast is important' was created by a large company and therefore implying that its not true and we should do the opposite isn't very logical when you think about it.

mossym Publish time 26-11-2019 05:27:44

exactly, i applaud the OP for making healthy changes to his life, and for trying to help others, but i think they are focusing completely on the wrong aspect of this. tell people to eat healthy, cut out the crap, and they won't need to focus on what hours of the day they are eating.

i lose 3 to 4 kg every spring/summer to get weight down for race season, and put it back on come September. why not leave it off? you get sick quicker, pick up colds, less resilience to bugs . having done it for several years i know exactly what i need to lose weight, what foods work, what don't. i also know what works best for me isn't the best for everyone else. folks i know that do teh same all have their own approach, but the common part is not eating rubbish, cut out sugars, and get lots of sleep. some eat breakfast, some don't, one stops eating at 4pm every day because they believe in fasting too but not for breakfast.

soupdragon Publish time 26-11-2019 05:27:45

I know what you are saying but in reality, saying that 'breakfast is important' was created by a large company and therefore implying that its not true and we should do the opposite isn't very logical when you think about it.

Zincubus Publish time 26-11-2019 05:27:46

No idea why I'm being 'got at' here but ...

When you start the day with an early breakfast that's THE trigger for your body to start craving / demanding the sugary / carb based products .

That's about it really ...
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