Zincubus Publish time 26-11-2019 05:27:47

You think Kellogs are more bothered about our health than their profits !?!

soupdragon Publish time 26-11-2019 05:27:48

Don't take it as being 'got at' Zincibus - just the other side of the argument people are expressing. It 100% works brilliant for you so I would hazzard a guess that if you spoke to a professional, they would say 'keep doing it'

Thats not to say we should all do it though - it works for you so all is great but some of us are saying, hmmmnn....I don't agree, that doesn't work for me.

mossym Publish time 26-11-2019 05:27:49

it's really not. so if you eat at 8am you want sugary carb based products, but if you eat the same things at 1pm iyou don't?

your body responds to the fuel you give it. if you give it sugars or quick burn carbs it gets used to having quick burn fuels, so it uses them up instead of burning fat or slow burn carbs and when it blows through them quickly it looks for more, so you crave more. that will happen if you eat them at 7am or 2pm.

of you eat slow release carbs and healthy fats/protiens, and get the body used to burning them and it's own fat stores, it doesn't need to take in suugars all the time, so you don't get he cravings. even if you eat them at 7am.

again, healthy eating of the right foods is the key, not when

imightbewrong Publish time 26-11-2019 05:27:51

Not having a 'go' just saying that eating breakfast meant you could not resist junk food does not correlate for me.I eat breakfast on and off - there is no correlation with an uncontrollable desire for junk food.

Maybe I am an outlier?

soupdragon Publish time 26-11-2019 05:27:51

Why would I think that? Thats absurd. You think an adverstising campaign for kelloggs in the 50's still has a large impact on todays society but I can't agree with that - too much time has passed, people are more informed about diet requirements now than they have ever been so I don't agree the legacy of the 1950 ad is still living strong.

SBT Publish time 26-11-2019 05:27:52

You don't need to fast or cut down on food to lose weight or be more healthy.
When I'm 'cutting' I actually up my meals 
It's not how much you eat, it's what you eat that counts.

Zincubus Publish time 26-11-2019 05:27:53

Some good points for sure above .

The actual timing of the fasting is irrelevant of courseas it's the ACTUAL fasting and length of fastingthat's crucial . Fasting between 9pm and the following day at 1pm is simply the most convenient for most as you're ASLEEP for a large part of that time .

Zincubus Publish time 26-11-2019 05:27:54

Well that's true to a large extent I guess .

The fasting period simply gives the body extra time to digest / detox / repair and renew cells etc etc

soupdragon Publish time 26-11-2019 05:27:55

Is eating late not a bad thing though? Ie, your going to sleep but you've just had a meal so your body is working to digest the meal, rather than resting properly.

Zincubus Publish time 26-11-2019 05:27:56

Well I guess I'll give you lot a rest from my crazy ramblings . I'm simply repeating myself now which is hardly makes for a riveting forum experience 

Any one who's interested can google 'benefits of fasting ' and maybe evenKellogs 
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