mossym Publish time 26-11-2019 05:27:29

so your n=1 datapoint says skipping breakfast is good. let you lose two stone.

my n=1. never ate breakfast. lunch at 1 was first meal of the day. improved my diet, started eating breakfast, lost more than 3.5 stone.

as 3.5>2, that proves that's its better to have breakfast than not

now obviously that argument is stupid. as stupid as telling people to skip eating breakfast. you can have none or three breakfasts.what you eat will have a much great effect than whether or not you ate 6 or 16 hours before.

broad sweeping statements like those are problem with half the fitness advice in the world today. based on a small sample size, and then applied to the masses.

(and i believe in intermittant fasting, in fat adaption, in sugar spiking, but it's jsut daft to tell people to skip breakfast and feel better. get your overall diet right, not when you eat your meals. )

your brother didn't lose weight cause he started to fast. he lost it cause he stopped eating pies and crap. do you honestly believe if he ate the same amount as before, but just ate it between 1pm and 6pm, and fasted the rest of the day he's have lost weight? likewise, if you took what you eat now, which is 2000 (presumably healthy calories), and spread it over 8am to 8pm, you think you'd gain weight?

IronGiant Publish time 26-11-2019 05:27:30


Zincubus Publish time 26-11-2019 05:27:30

You make some valid points .

I'm just trying to share something that changed , maybe SAVED my life ....

Anyone whose always hungry , no doubt with food intolerances , probably experiencing mood swings , feeling lethargic and so on ..   can completely transform their Iives in a relatively short space of time .Less time is spent thinking / shopping for food , eating and digesting ...more time to enjoy LIFE !!



What did the Romans do for us 

On a serious note given the currentstate of the most people's health and the explosion of obesity and diabetes it must make you wonder who's doing it right 

soupdragon Publish time 26-11-2019 05:27:31

Interesting read.

I was brought up on breakfast being the most important meal of the day and even now at 40, I have a good breakfast every day - without fail. I couldn't imagine skipping breakfast as its also one of my favourite meals. I'll also have a good lunch too along with a dinner in the evening. Will usually have a small snack (crisps/bar of chocolate) in the evening or mid afteroon most days.

I guess I have a 14 hour fast every day from 8pm to 10am by just following a typical westerners eating pattern of 3 meals a day at normal times so this type of 16/8 diet isn't really much different when you think about it (only 2 hrs difference) as long as you cut out excessive bad food then that is the key point of the overall 'well being' discussion?

Zincubus Publish time 26-11-2019 05:27:32

Again ..   it's not about THE weight ....

It's about the way my WHOLE life and wellbeing has been transformed in the last 5 months ... I lost the weight in the first two months and it's stayed level ever since . The fasting benefits aren't about weight loss that's just a bonus ...

imightbewrong Publish time 26-11-2019 05:27:33

What will become of the B&B? 

More seriously though the problem I have with all these ideas on food and fitness is there are so many contradictory views on everything.Eat breakfast - here's a link.Don't eat breakfast - here's a link.Smash you lats before your quads - here's a link.NEVER smash your lats before your quads - here's a link.Always do stretches before a run - here's a link.NEVER do stretches before a run - her's a link.Avoid sugary food in even numbered hours - here's a link. etc etc.Everything gets contradicted so quickly or even simultaneously - it changes faster than TV standards.

Best thing is just to eat some delicious food and have a good time 

IronGiant Publish time 26-11-2019 05:27:34

Not that I'm suggesting you try it but it would be interesting to see what happened if you turned your regime on it's head ie starting your feeding period at breakfast time and stopping after lunch.

Zincubus Publish time 26-11-2019 05:27:35

Fair points ... apparently   back in the fifties Kellogs were experiencing worrying times and invested bigtime in an expensive advertising campaign .... anyone familiar with " Breakfast , the most important meal of the day " ??   That was their advertising hook line .
It was a massive success and transformed their business   ...

balidey Publish time 26-11-2019 05:27:36

Very often a lifestyle change is what makes you feel better. Not what the actual change is.
Looking at your original comment, you started fasting AND cut out unhealthy food and got rid of all the muffins in your house.

mossym Publish time 26-11-2019 05:27:37

exactly. cutting out the crap is the step people need to take, not whether they eat it at 7am or 7pm
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