Publish time 26-11-2019 05:02:13
Yes, it is the closest I've found yet to the taste of the hot sauce they used to provide with the wings at Bennigan's American-Irish bar when I lived in the USA. I pretty much lived on them for a while! I suspect the sauce is the same thing.
Urien Rheged
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:02:14
Hot Diggidy Dog Limed Pepper Sauce
Found at 29p in B&M bargains!
Urien Rheged
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:02:15
Just got this one which is lovely:
Mexican, a bit like Cholula but hotter. Great flavour.
"Mexican Valentina Salsa Picante (black label)". I got it for £3.53 for four 140ml bottles as an 'add-on' item from Amazon.
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:02:16
One I tried called Dragon Slayer is so hot it is more of a novelty but if you want seriously hot give it a go. I found a few drops made an entire batch of food to hot.
It was more something that came out as a bit of fun when mates came round. One occasion a mate who could drink a bottle of Tabasco without flinching and a born asian islander where hot is regular. He had a tea spoon neat and allow taken aback by the heat seemed to enjoy it and later had another another spoon with some chips. He started sweating profusely and complaining of stomach pain, I had to lay him down as he cramped up in the feautal position asking me to call an ambulance! Thankfully it passed but he's chili hardcore so a warning I heeded!
Dragon Slayer from ChilliPepperPete -
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:02:17
I like franks red hot sauce not too spicy failing that a bit of Tabasco is nice on cheese on toast 
Urien Rheged
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:02:18
These two are pretty good and are very cheap:
- Aunt May's Bajan Pepper Sauce 340g (made in Barbados). I got it for £1.97 as as 'add-on' item from Amazon. Quite a 'chunky' sauce.
- Sood's Fine Foods Louisiana Sauce 500ml (made in USA). Very cheap in B&M Bargains (less than £2 I think) and tastes very similar to Frank's Red Hot Sauce.
Urien Rheged
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:02:19
The one sauce which I simply cannot do without is Cholula Chipotle.
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:02:20
got some of this from Antigua- lovely stuff
Susie's Original Hot Sauce, Scorchio hot pepper sauces, chillies and chilli gifts: the ultimate UK chile store
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:02:21
Iceland's Grim Reaper curry. It's good. Doesn't fully kick in until half way through.
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:02:22
Has anyone tried that new Morrisons one?