Sonic67 Publish time 26-11-2019 02:18:40

Boris initially supported it in 2014 and then changed his mind later. Perhaps he found out what was involved.

Mogg, well I've found nothing other than on his Twitter feed mocking someone for saying TTIP would kill bees.

Either way, it makes no difference. Both are UK politicians who need our votes. If they did support it, then as above, if the public didn't like it the public can switch to another party that wouldn't implement it.

This is the bit you're missing. Regardless of what politicians want they need to carry the electorate with it. With a government answerable to us, It's not about what they want, it's what we want.

A few years ago more politicians supported us being in the EU than out of it. Since Independence day they've had to learn that wasn't quite what the public want.

lostinspace Publish time 26-11-2019 02:18:41

The devil you know? Since the result was announced I've been trying on numerous threads to get a remainer to tell me what the EU will look like in 5, 10, 20 years' time. You obviously know so please share the answer with me.

Voting to stay was also a shot in the dark with some additional knowledge (greater political integration, EU army etc) which I and the majority of others found to be unacceptable.

Remainers continually refuse to accept that the EU will change dramatically, and they are happy for that to happen under the leadership of others - who most likely will be unelected "appointees".

I'm not.

So, let's put the negotiations on hold and have a referendum on England leaving the UK. It will be a massive yes, so we can walk away, the UK stays in the EU, and there are no "penalties" to pay. We then start talks with th EU with a blank sheet of paper.

Enki Publish time 26-11-2019 02:18:41

'Stars in your eyes, little one
Where do you go to dream
To a place, we all know
The land of make believe'

Free tea trade from china and corn in Carolina in the land of make believe.. Where is our superman!

Bucks Fizz chorography succinctly describes Brexit or BRINO or the whatever witty abbreviation someone comes up with this week.

DroidSkin Publish time 26-11-2019 02:18:41

Guy Verhofstadt on Twitter

Guy Verhofstadt on Twitter

weaviemx5 Publish time 26-11-2019 02:18:41

It's hardly surprising that the leader of the ALDE is Pro-Europe is it?

About us - ALDE

Damn unelected faceless bureaucrats that we have no say in;

Guy Verhofstadt on Twitter


DroidSkin Publish time 26-11-2019 02:18:42

No it's not a surprise.

But all those that voted remain on a 'status quo' or 'better the devil you know' ticket don't seem to like to acknowledge the fact that they don't know where it's headed.

weaviemx5 Publish time 26-11-2019 02:18:42

I've just highlighted the fact that one of the main Pro-EU groups has suggested that the people of the EU should get to choose who the Presidential candidates are.This is surely a positive step with regards to the argument that we don't get to choose who runs the EU?

Nice of your Mum to shoot the video but that's an awful song , the map was wrong showing Dyson being exported from the UK. They're made in the Far East and will continue to do so Post-Brexit as James Dyson would prefer for his workers to have less rights so it's easier for him to hire/fire workers.Oh, and we should scrap Corporation Tax as there are ways to get around it anyway..

Billionaire Sir James Dyson's Vision For Post-Brexit Britain Is Raising A Few Eyebrows

Bl4ckGryph0n Publish time 26-11-2019 02:18:42

I'm sure you can find more sample when you look hard. But it hasn't happened, and what concerns me as well is the door it opens. Meaning; the argument for no longer having local elections when you have pan EU elected representatives, and tax harmonisation, and single currency, and an EU army and police force. It is another step closer to the USEU 

Sure, I get that it is pure speculation from my perspective. Speculation that is based on my interpretation of how I've seen the EU negotiate and behave. Others will have a different view.

The factual reality is that we don't know what the future brings.

weaviemx5 Publish time 26-11-2019 02:18:42

I fully agree with you. I haven't got all the answers about what the future holds either (and neither has anyone else, even those directly involved in the negotiations) but when I look at people like Trump, who are only out for their own ratings, I don't see how we will get any great trade deals as a single country.Ignoring our previous Empire as that's long gone, we're a small country that has systematically removed our major trade options like Coal/Steel/Oil/Services etc over the years so I do sometimes struggle to see what it is we will actually offer to huge countries like China/US?

Anyway, this thread has derailed into Brexit Mk2 so it should get back onto the original question of who will replace Theresa May.Personally, I really hope Johnson/Gove/Rees-Mogg are kept well clear because as an average voter I have no faith in any of their abilities.Johnson's old-Etonian bumbling toff act might work in some places, but in the real world he looks as idiotic to the outside world as Trump does.Gove is nothing more than a back-stabber who I wouldn't trust and Rees-Mogg has only seemed to have found his voice since the Brexit vote where he's jumping on the bandwagon (it appears).I'm no Conservative Party expert but what's he actually ever done before?

rancidpunk Publish time 26-11-2019 02:18:42

To even call them a 'team' is laughable. There's no 'I' in team but, if you look hard enough, there's a 'me' in Michael Gove and Jacob Rees Smug, plus one big old Johnson.
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