Publish time 26-11-2019 02:18:48
Post 85. Done to comply with EU regulations.
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:18:49
Post 91.Ford are a private business and made the decision to close their un-profitable plant and invest in their profitable one.Neither the EU, not the UK Government forced them to.
The fact they took two loans from the same EU bank to fund changes at both plants seems to be missed on you?
The Dude
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:18:49
'Hard' brexit is inevitable.
All sides have now accepted this hence why we're now discussing transition periods, when a year ago all we could talk about was article 50 and how it was written by the hand of god and would soon have us on our knees begging for mercy.. //
It was never going to be done in 2 years, a silly timescale plucked from thin air many years ago and laid out in a document that nobody ever thought would ever see the light of day.
The job of all politicians involved is to maintain normality until inevitability takes precedence.
It's all just an act; "we all tried really really hard for so so long but it turns out that 'hard' brexit was just unavoidable, who could have forseen that?"
It's all just another 'phoney war' for now, TM is playing her part well.
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:18:49
Difficult to know who will come out of the woodwork and how they will perform once in the job. Who thought John Major would take over from Thatcher and last...
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:18:50
The way I see it, Theresa May has always got the get out of, "she was only acting on the will of the people".It's a double-edged sword.If she delivers a Brexit that results in a negative hit to the UK economy and those most effected it by blame her, she was just doing as 'her' country voted even though she was always Pro-Remain.If she gets a Brexit deal that's not so bad, she can come out of the end of negotiations and accept the Pro-Leave applause.
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:18:50
This succinctly explains the Tory government and party in general regarding the EU...
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:18:50
So what happens when we leave the EU, do those charges come back into effect?
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:18:50
I've just answered my own question;
"The change is coming in as part of a law setting out new payment regulations. The regulations are based on an EU directive which will apply throughout the EU – but as this is a UK law change the new rules will continue to apply after Brexit."
Credit and debit card charges banned from Saturday - what you need to know
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:18:50
Isn't that how EU laws work? become part of UK Law and if we want to change them when we leave we will have to do it on a case by case basis.
The Dude
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:18:50
I think she's in a better position than that, hence why she isn't going anywhere?
If she delivers Brexit leavers will applaud her efforts, if she secures a decent trade deal whilst delivering brexit remainers will (hopefully) applaud too.
The only way she can get it wrong is if she fails to deliver on 'Brexit means Brexit' (upsetting leavers) and comes away with an economic package inferior to full EU membership (upsetting remainers).
Hence why I'm convinced that 'Hard' Brexit with a trade deal is inevitable, as it always has been.