IronGiant Publish time 26-11-2019 02:18:35

They are accountable to the ballot box 

Sonic67 Publish time 26-11-2019 02:18:36

The government tried to do a budget that sparked an outcry and lasted a day.

Budget 2017 sees complete U-turn on Universal Credit | Metro News

Last year. The nice thing about an accountable government is you can remove it. Right now the Tories could lose a few seats in by-elections and be really stuffed.
Then you should have voted remain.

I prefer not to see more and more powers handed over to a democratically deficient bureaucracy.

And note. That was just one element of TTIP.

What is TTIP? And six reasons why the answer should scare you

So I don’t know about you, but I’m scared. I would vote against TTIP, except… hang on a minute… I can’t. Like you, I have no say whatsoever in whether TTIP goes through or not.All I can do is tell as many people about it as possible, as I hope, will you. We may be forced to accept an attack on democracy but we can at least fight against the conspiracy of silence.

Note The Independent is pro EU and they were scared of it.

weaviemx5 Publish time 26-11-2019 02:18:36

That article was written by a Freelance journalist (Lee Williams) as an open comments article in 2015, not by The Independant

Sonic67 Publish time 26-11-2019 02:18:36

There's a poll on here, and 40% expected us to initially be worse off.

Brexit Poll: Economic Impact To Britain

weaviemx5 Publish time 26-11-2019 02:18:36

Also, as per my previous posts, I did vote Remain for as many reasons for me as you chose Leave.

I get that democracy is a massive right that we should never lose but the over-dramatic posts about attacks on our freedoms etc are a little bit over-played.

Sonic67 Publish time 26-11-2019 02:18:36

Feel free to check out for yourself the impact of TTIP.

TTIP: The EU-US trade deal explained

Much of the opposition to TTIP in the UK and other EU countries including Germany, is focused on its provisions for "investor-state dispute settlement". This procedure would allow companies to sue foreign governments over claims of unfair treatment and to be entitled to compensation. Critics say the measures undermine the power of national governments to act in the interests of their citizens. For example, they warn that tobacco giants could use the procedure to challenge restrictive regulations, citing a case in Australia, where Philip Morris Asia used a 1993 trade agreement with Hong Kong as the basis for a legal move to stop a change to packaging. In the UK, attention has focused on the potential impact on the NHS, with critics saying TTIP would allow private firms running NHS services to sue the government if it chose to return the services to the public sector.

Sonic67 Publish time 26-11-2019 02:18:36

Then you should have voted Remain.

I'm sorry but every time you say how you don't see a problem, what response do you want?

I think you are incredibly naive.

And Remain promised the consequences of leaving the EU as being anything up to and including the outbreak of WWIII. I think when it came to "scaremongering" Remain played a blinder.

weaviemx5 Publish time 26-11-2019 02:18:37       Nice to see the the Leader of our Accountable Government when the article was written 4 years ago was in favour of TTIP

Sonic67 Publish time 26-11-2019 02:18:37

Let's see.

You said The Independent article was written by a freelance journalist and then quoted a pro EU PM. 

Where is he now? Oh yes, we didn't vote the way he wanted and he resigned!

David "I'm not a quitter" Cameron who quit straight after the vote. Now that's accountable.

domtheone Publish time 26-11-2019 02:18:37

As much as it would be nice (certainly get my vote), i can never see it happening.

The winging left wing press/voters would have an absolute field day with this.

Strikes/protests galore.They’d think the end of the world is night.


Let’s do it//
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