Who will take over from Theresa May?
Brexiteers plot to install ‘dream team’ at No 10: Boris Johnson, Michael Gove — and Jacob Rees-Mogg as chancellor".That's the Headline in the Sunday Times!
The Brexit negotiation team, led by May is likely to get the UK a poor deal. Basically we will be dancing to the EUs tune, and they have publicly stated that they will not allow us to get a better deal outside than in. We should listen to this.
So Davis's friendly talks are just not working. You can be hard nosed and still be a gentleman... But he and May are being led down a losers path...
Will there be a coup? It can happen quickly. That's how the Tories do it. We might see May reaching for her handkerchief. We don't want a hard brexit, 50% of our trade is with Europe, we don't want to upset that. Once we leave Europe with a hard brexit it could be 7 or 8 years before we negotiate good trading deals with them again if we don't do it now
All 3 of them talk with plumbs in their mouths been interviewed in their long established country manors, they are hardly going to appeal to people in the country, its laughable the 3 of them with their privileged backgrounds actually trying to represent the people in a government
I know trade is something people won't get excited about but there is a direct link to your wage, your pension, your monthly income that will be effected by all of this, so try to understand that We? I do. That is the point.
We can change things gradually, when it suits us.
Revolutions sound great until you have to count the bodies. 'We don't want hard Brexit' ?..... But on the other hand we don't want to be dictated to by the EU on trade rules, ECJ etc.
Soft Brexit....That is the same as being in the EU and they will not allow us to make our own deals with other trading partners. Remember, soft Brexit is a term made up by remainers. Ask any EU official and he will firmly say you cannot have your cake and eat it. You are in the EU, the single market, their rules, or out.
If Davis continues with the trade negotiation, you will see that the EU will insist that if we are part of customs union, we will give up most of the freedoms associated with Brexit. A lot of assumptions there. Johnson Rees Mogg and Gove, I can barely withhold my excitement, please make it true. Plot? If it's a plot it's a very wide openly discussed plot which everyone knows about.
It seems to me like an official leak to the media from the Tory high command to wake up the Tory MPs to either pull together or face the quincequonces. By the way, you should not discriminatejust because they have posh voices. They might be the best people for the job. Wonderful, so when someone speak/articulated properly it is a negative now? Long established country manors? Really? What Socialist Workers Party did you just roll out of? Wasn’t Jeremy Corbyn was it who actually did grow up in a Manor House.
And, no “we” don’t don’t want hard Brexit. We do actually. We voted for Brexit and there was only one option to vote for. It was in or out. There was no option called soft Brexit or a little bit out.