Publish time 25-11-2019 21:56:47
Euro unfriendly?
You think that wishing to leave the political union of the EU means we don't like Europeans?
Grow up.
From Holland
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:56:48
You funny.
Have a nice day. Bye
Oh, your mixing up EU political club with Europe the continent. You do realise if it wasn't for the UK (and US allies) you'd actually be German now! and likely genetically altered to be White, Blond with blue eyes if not already.
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:56:48
You are richt I take that remark back! The Brexit is at any case an euro unfriendly deed. I hope that all European inhabitans see it as I see it and stop buying UK Made products what do you think would happen then?
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:56:48
We stop buying EU products so first big hit is the German car makers then French & Spanish farmers up in arms.
We have rest of world to buy other stuff from or get farming & manufacturing great again in UK.
EU's first problem is where to fill the £15 Billion funding shortfall from.
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:56:48
We have a phrase here in the UK, I don't know whether it will translate well:
It's known as "Cutting off your nose to spite your face".
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:56:49
Yeah I think stopped answering essay questions some years back
Here's an idea - instead of me doing your homework for you, why don't you do it yourself. Might be surprised by what you learn.
Unidentifiable risks - have you been living under a rock for the last 12 months? Have you seen any of the news? Have you read anything of this section - in particular in recent weeks? Lots of discussion on the government's report for example.
All this has been discussed to death already on here.
Start with the Irish border (a lot of talk on that today funnily enough). Look at small business impact, the economy, medical, settlement status. Should be enough to get you going.
But in reality if you're not already aware of what a No Deal Brexit "could" entail, then there really is no helping you.
(And again I clarify - none of it is certain, but that's why they use the word "risk".)
As for policies where people don't have choices, here's one you hinted at yourself about disability in the other thread. Lovely attitude by the way.
The disabled really have a wonderful time of it don't they when it comes to benefits and employment. Magnificent too that they get a choice in government policy on it wouldn't you say? 
And Johnson and the NHS? Yep I'll expect him to keep up the Tory tradition of running it into the ground for the next 5 years if he remains PM.
In fact the NHS and it's services really do have much to look forward to. If they're lucky they might get the investment back that has been stripped from them for the last 10 years. Seeing as that now appears to be Johnson's policy to win over the public.
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:56:49
How bizarre.
You take it back, and then post a basically xenophobic threat to boycott UK goods.
Do it. Maybe start by stopping using British forums?
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:56:49
As a matter of fact, yes the disabled have done exceptionally well under this government in terms of employment.
Despite the wailing from many on the left when the Tories completed the Labour initiated shutdown of Remploy.
By 2023/4 the NHS will be receiving about £20bn more than now, after Inflation.
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:56:49
Yes, let's drive away one of the few foreign members who may provide a an alternative and unique different view of this country.I'm sure that won't harm the quality of discourse. 
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:56:50
What would it take to drive you away