Garrett Publish time 25-11-2019 21:56:44

Holyrood, Westminster or both?

doug56hl Publish time 25-11-2019 21:56:44

We'll do you a swap with our english Labour MPs , although I take it them Tory MPs voted the way the referendum went, which was across the UK.
242 constituents voted remain and 406 voted leave but that's not represented in Parliament.

mcbainne Publish time 25-11-2019 21:56:45

Very true. Even Moray which has a Conservative MP voted 50.1% in the referendum for remain. Other Conservative MP areas were much higher in favour of remain.

mcbainne Publish time 25-11-2019 21:56:45

Primarily i meant at WM but in truth they vote on party line always in both parliments

They campaigned on remain, subsequently all Scotland regions voted remain. since the vote they have voted for TM's deal and been anti no deal saying it would be catastrophic for Scotland but they have now dropped their opposition to a no deal exit

mcbainne Publish time 25-11-2019 21:56:45

Pfffft we have enough useless Lab's of our own lol

Garrett Publish time 25-11-2019 21:56:45

TBF there have been votes when Paul Masterton has voted against the whip but for the recent votes followed the rest

Ruperts slippers Publish time 25-11-2019 21:56:46

Darn it there a fair few we wouldlike to swap 

richp007 Publish time 25-11-2019 21:56:46

I'm stealing now from another member who likes to use the term "don't overthink it".

You started this whole thing off by moaning about the effects of the Supreme Court decision. That happened on Johnson's watch. Because of him, no-one else.

You're also the one who decided to bring personality into it, by deciding you knew my prime motivators as a person you appear to be someone not concerned by anything other than Brexit being delivered. There are things more important than Brexit. And the how is just as important in fact. Plus I said honour not word. They are two different things.

As for personal gain, you really haven't been paying attention if you think Johnson's doing this out of the goodness of his heart.

As for risks, you're sadly another who appears oblivious to what a No Deal might mean to many people/business. Not guaranteed, but then that's why they're called risks.

And your last point, totally bizarre. Why would I need a politician to motivate me? Why would anyone?

But you should know by now that they effect policy that in turn effects many lives regardless of an individuals motivations. You can try and change and do with your life as much as you want. Doesn't mean it isn't effected by things beyond your control.

As an example, do I trust Johnson with the NHS if I suddenly got ill?

No I don't, not in the slightest.

Ruperts slippers Publish time 25-11-2019 21:56:47

You said "Leaving at any cost is unacceptable, even on a moral basis. No matter the handshake".

Which I used as an analogy to describe the democratic agreement between the people and the government. A bond of trust. Which is what the referendum was, a communication between the two parties. You have dismissed this process and outcome because of unidentifiable risks.

Tell me what they are please.

Define then explain please.

Examples of policies please, where people don't have choices. Your statement is a contradiction.

Is Johnson personally operating on you, what would Johnson do to the NHS. Explain with evidence.

From Holland Publish time 25-11-2019 21:56:47

hello, Clear comment, i am from europe and can not at all understand the desision the people from the UK have Made. I love to drive my Jaguar and Mini Clubman. Do you realy think that i would buy a new car Made in the UK again? Did the people in the UK not realise that a lot of European people like me would not go there anymore on Holliday and leave their money in a Euro unfriendly country?
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