Publish time 25-11-2019 21:56:42
I think the term "sovereign parliament" was coined before MPs and the Speaker decided to rebel against the will of the people by breaking every rule in the (unwritten) book, throwing aside their party and state ethics in order to plot together to obstruct our Prime Minister by dirty tricks and other scurrilous behaviour. The PM is negotiating with the EU now and should be left unhindered until he presents the new proposals agreed as promised. If he doesn't THEN you can moan.
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:56:42
The PM has been saying that he’s been negotiating since he took on the role, yet evidence and feedback has suggested otherwise.I’m not sure why you see criticism of our PM not doing what he’s been publicly stating as “moaning”?
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:56:42
The only thing Johnson has done since becoming PM is going around the country campaigning for an election that hasn't been called. As many of the voters he meets constantly tell him, "Why aren't you in Europe getting a deal?"
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:56:43
I hope this isn't the approach you take when trying to bed your multiple women
Their is no dishonourable rabble, just the rabble stopping a dishonourable man from a dishonourable action.
Plus you do seem to like the term honour, yet you're showing willingness to sacrifice it when it suits. Is this a glimpse into your prime motivators as a person I wonder.... 
And for the record I don't like Boris Johnson. He's a self serving gobsh*te with no interest in the country or the people in it, only what he can squeeze out of it all for personal gain. So you are right in that assertion at least. It's just a shame many cannot see it.
Finally, leaving for many of us hasn't been the problem. It's the process that's been the problem. Botched from the beginning, and now no effort being made to steer us clear of a No Deal scenario; the risks of which are for many people too great. Johnson has continually lied about his position on this, as well as his actions and his motivations since he became PM. And then after we've left (if we do) I'm then supposed to continue to trust in him to pick up the pieces. Bob fudgeing hope of that.
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:56:43
I seem to remember the actual quote was "Why aren't you in Parliament" rather than Europe besides he has other important things to do like going to the UN etc. etc. rather than be trapped in Luxembourgagain.
Hmm here's a thought perhaps he's got other ministers and reps dealing with the EU on his behalf maybe
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:56:43
True, and I'm sure he could also found other ministers to go bore the ass off a bunch of police officers in Wakefield or play with the cows on an Aberdeenshire farm.Not exactly top executive tasks or priorities are they considering the current national crisis?
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:56:43
I believe a lot of MP's are not voting the way the majority of their constituents vote are doing it on party lines rather than what they truly believe.
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:56:44
Then they're failing in their duties as MPs.Country, People, Party.That's the order.If they support the party over either what they think is best for the country or people, they're doing it wrong.
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:56:44
One wonders, if it's such a crisis why did all the opposition MPs insist on having their Summer recess without raising any objections and then two days after the Supreme Court reconvened Parliament (upon their insistence) did they immediately leave the house in their droves for their constituencies?
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:56:44
Yeah every Tory MP in Scotland for starters