Publish time 25-11-2019 21:56:55
It's a perfect storm combination of nursing student funding changes, lack of places, and lack of clinical placement capacity.
56. Fundingandfinancialsupportforstudentnursesstartingundergraduatecoursesfrom August 2017 is now provided through the Student Loans Company, rather than the NHS bursary scheme. Under the NHS bursary scheme the number of nurse training places was capped, and the number of applications exceeded the number of places available by twotoone.Manynursesalsocomplainedthatthebursariesdidnotmeetthecostofliving and that there was no access to student loans for top ups.
57. Applications to undergraduate nursing courses in England in 2017/18 dropped by 23% compared to 2016/17. However, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland also experienced a drop in applications, despite retaining the bursary, but these are smaller than the falls in England - the number of applicants is down by 10% in Wales compared with 2016, with reductions of 6% seen in Norther Ireland and 2% in Scotland. Even with a 23% reduction in applications, demand for places in 2017/18 still exceeded the number of places available by two to one.
59.It is too early to draw firm conclusions about the impact of student funding reforms on the supply of nurses. While applications have dropped, the number of places available has not yet expanded as anticipated. One reason for that is that all nursing degrees involve a clinical placement, and there have been delays in expanding clinical placement capacity. The Government has committed to funding an extra 5,000 clinical placements per year from 2018–19, which will increase nurse training places by 25%.
Blaming the government’s decision to abolish bursaries for nursing students, a draft of the NHS people plan says: “Our analysis shows a 40,000 (11%) shortfall in 2018-19 which widens to 68,500 (16%) by 2023-24 without intervention, as demand for nurses grows faster than supply.”
The plan says George Osborne’s decision in 2015 when he was chancellor of the exchequer to stop paying nursing students’ tuition fees and maintenance grants has led to a huge drop in those applying to be nurses at the same time as the NHS is facing its most debilitating shortage of them in decades.
Cuts may leave NHS short of 70,000 nurses, leaked report warns
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:56:55
Hmm, are you really? I'm from the Netherlands. Why would you say you are from Holland, that doesn't even exist. Secondly, you do realise that leaving the EU is not the same as leaving Europe. And thirdly you do realise that currently, the UK is a Euro 'unfriendly' country as well  Doesn't stop anyone now from going to the UK, so why would it when the UK leaves the EU.
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:56:56
Hahaha, after all those years I still can't explain that one, nor have found a Dutch equivalent that comes close.
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:56:56
I'm fluent Dutch, it is even better than my English  Happy to be of assistance if you have any questions.
I'm in Amsterdam as we speak.
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:56:56
Why do you think we like exporting that stuff 
Try some Beemster, I've noticed that more and more cheese shops in the UK are stocking it in small quantities. It is a bit harder but very nice. Good replacement for when Cheddar can no longer be produced :image/gif;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP///yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7
From Holland
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:56:57
That is just too funny!!!!
Love it! Combining humour, and some cultural awareness.
Nice one...
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:56:57
It is amazing how we repeat an argument and really believe it to be true. The US came very late to the war. It is undeniable that us, (UK) and theUS play an important part but let's not forget that over 20 millions Soviets paid with their lives and it was the Soviet Union, at the time, who took Berlin. We ran into it to avoid Berlin being totally controlled by the USSR.
Ruperts slippers
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:56:57
I really like the british and think you have a more than beautufull country. I have been often in Engeland, Ierland and Schotland. I only wanted to express one thing: I don’t ever buy a japanese car becourse the japanese catch whale, i would never set a foot in Turkey becourse of Erdogan‘s dictatorship i don’t anymore go to the US becourse of Trump. And while the UK leave the Euro while they think they can gain a few pounds and are so utterly ignorand to let themselfs be misinformd by lyers as Jonson, i say to mysel: hey why leave my money there. I have allways voted with my feet and more people should do that. We need each other to solve the mondial problems we are facing.
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:56:57
Brexit in a nutshell:
The most divisive and polarizingissue of our time. It has fueled racist comments, even violance like never before.
Asking other Europeans to stop using our forums is not different from Trump's remarks of asking those congress women to go back to their countries.
It is our own PM the one using inflammatory language and his remarks are defended because "he tells it like it is". He has repeated over and over about the "surrender act", there is an implication that they are the enemy. It is also inciting animosity against MPs and the judiciary.
Even if we leave the EU by the end of the month, Brexit will be dominating the domestic agenda for a good decade at least.
It is very hard to bring the country together when we are using language that encourages division. Ignoring the EU altogether, we will still need to bring together a country divided in half by this issue.
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:56:58
Oh bless.
Maybe save your ire for the xenophobe planning to boycott all British goods.