EarthRod Publish time 25-11-2019 21:56:03

Er… So he is Remain biased then.

SteakAndCake Publish time 25-11-2019 21:56:04

er.No. The outcome of his actions may produce weighted Remain benefit, but that is due only to the composition of parliament and not due to any intent by the Speaker.

It's really not that hard to grasp.

EarthRod Publish time 25-11-2019 21:56:05

Isn't it? - You have me there...

IronGiant Publish time 25-11-2019 21:56:06

I was speaking about/exempting myself, I assume you can stick up for yourself if you don't fit into a Remainer blanket term.

richp007 Publish time 25-11-2019 21:56:07

Of course. Was just going to go through official forum protocol first 

Sonic67 Publish time 25-11-2019 21:56:08

He said he voted remain and drives in a car with a remain sticker on it. Imagine you were going to watch a football match against Man Utd. The ref turns up with a Man Utd sticker on his car and has told others he's a Man Utd fan. Would you be happy with that?

                                                                                                                                                                                /proxy.php?image=                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                John Bercow told students he voted remain in EU referendum                                                                                                        Speaker’s comment prompts further concern about ability to perform role, with one Tory saying ‘scoresheet is mounting’                                                                                                                                                                                /proxy.php?image=                                                                                                                                                                                                     
Bercow was plunged into fresh controversy after a video emerged of him talking to students at Reading University on 3 February in which he said: “Personally, I voted to remain. I thought it was better to stay in the European Union than not.”
Little condescending?

richp007 Publish time 25-11-2019 21:56:09

That's his wife's.

Sonic67 Publish time 25-11-2019 21:56:10

So he said.

SteakAndCake Publish time 25-11-2019 21:56:11

Do you have evidence to suggest he lied?

IronGiant Publish time 25-11-2019 21:56:11

This thread will be fine, thanks.
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