Publish time 25-11-2019 21:06:45
The trouble with Noel Gallagher is he plays everything live lazily, wonder wall style. He actually wrote it with B11(or B11add7).
But it's a stone wall B11 for me, far easier to play and sounds right. The "wonder wall" approach that you see him play live, doesn't help much with practising chord changes.
I used to have the official songbook, but this guy pretty much sums it up, where everybody else on the web seems to be tabbing what they have seen him play live, which in my opinion doesn't sound as nice. The intro to this song is the very first bit of lead I mastered on my Epiphone Dot. It's the sort of lick that shows off that Gibson sound perfectly. 
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:06:45
And this is a rare example on YouTube of how it is meant to be played, even though he misnames the B11 as B7sus4, which he clearly isn't playing! Note the three chord shunt in the chorus and then listen to the original Oasis version and you will hear it, although he needs to sound the A string more clearly on the C and Fmaj7 chords.
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:06:45
have watched that vid before...B11 is a B7 but not using the little finger isn't it?
first stumbled upon the song as a practice for B7on the 'andyguitar' site as I've been using it a bit for chords and simplified songs.
B7 was next on the list and some of the songs he's done which includes it was stand by me.
been practicing B7 to E...and B7 from G....with the B7 to E.. I find it hard to use my 2nd finger as an anchor finger...doesn't come naturally like the first finger for an anchor finger forE A and D
....a few minutes of doing it and a bit of muscle memory kicks I but I still finding it a bit difficult at the moment
say one thing for the couple of oasis songs i've tried ....I'm not finding the strumming patterns particulary easy
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:06:46
Trust me, B7 is not a chord you should be worrying about and it really isn't the chord in the song you are trying to play anyway.
Everybody finds strumming patterns difficult to begin with, because they are concentrating so hard on the chord changes. That's why they say all the sound comes from the right hand (unless you are lefty of course). I can't stress enough that you should be mastering the very basic chords and not giving B7's the time of day yet. Everybody hastheir own pace and you shouldn't try to race ahead with online tutor's and books until you are really comfortable with the basics. A real life tutor won't push you until you master the basics, they are too important.
Find songs that you can feel the timing easily as you play. That helps develop your timing which in turn will help with your co-ordination.
I liked this song when I was learning and still play it regularly when jamming with friends. These are the chords, and this is what it should sound like. Ignore the little fills and just play straight changes. And if you find the "rock" G as you call it difficult to change to, just play the standard G until it becomes natural. It really doesn't matter. The strum pattern is particularly simple and flexible with the words.
From what you've said about the chords you know, I think you will be able to get this down quite quickly. Believe me, once you master just these few chords, strumming really will just come naturally overnight. THEN you can worry about the number of new chords you're learning. 
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:06:46
That's right, yes.
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:06:46
well feel pretty happy with the most of the major chords.....except F and B...hence moving onto it was mentioned as a bit of a stepping stone to trying an F...I can hit an F sometimes but lack the strength in the fingers at the mo I chords are on another planet at the moment!
..thought I'd see how I get on with trying some 7th chords as I like the 'bluesy sound'
...the B7 sound is quite nice....the 'buskers chord' as I heard someone refer to it
started off on a normal G...then found out about the rock G...which makes it quick and easy to change to C add I could'nt do a C at the time so started using that in its place...the only problem I find is if I have to move quick to a G ...less than a full bar little finger will not always sit how it should on the first string...getting better so I know its just practice.
using another oasis song for practicing this ....'songbird' the strumming pattern off quite quickly too.
have managed a couple of strumming patterns I'd thought I wouldn't be able to do so its all good in the hood as they say!
have decided to slow down a bit ...instead of moving onto another song trying to improve on things I already know ....have to keep remembering I only started in December so not going to worry too much
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:06:46
I got a used gripmaster for a fiver from ebay to work on the finger strength while watching TV.
Gripmaster Finger & Outdoors
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:06:47
...might have to have a go at Ocean colour scenes robin hood though !
....cant say i remember it but just realised I've got it on the best of album
Tom Tom
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:06:47
Some other good songs for beginners: Easy chords but good to practice your strumming:
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:06:47
glad to see some more people contributing to this thread 
....would'nt mind a few moreeasy rock n roll foot tapping everyone knowsparty pieces in the bank!...going to have to look some up.
...always good for a break from chord changes ...and letting the neighbours hear that you can a least play something and not just practice bouncing between chords in a nirvarna type stylee !
can play hound dog....and love me do ..easy A E and D stuff ...which are fun to play....not forgetting wild thing...always a winner...can even 'sing' along to that one now 
...even managed to keep up with van morrisons 'Gloria'3/4's of the way through before my hand felt like it was going to drop off !