reevesy Publish time 25-11-2019 21:06:56

getting finger 1 to bridge for a barre chord and get the rest to make a chord shape just looks impossible to me at the moment 

mind a lot of stuff looked impossible when I first started !

don't know what sort of time it takes people to knock out barres ?

must admit I've not spent a lot of time on them so maybe something else that will come with time

hyperfish Publish time 25-11-2019 21:06:57

Standard reply is everyone learns at different rates. Keep at it and it will fall into place. So they say.

I can't remember what you are using but I'm on an electric neck which probably has an advantage over an acoustic for this.

bilbosmeggins Publish time 25-11-2019 21:06:57

It's an amazing guitar.I went to GuitarGuitar with my sister to have a nose about.She wandered into the acoustic section and was asking about the "baby" guitars.The assistant steered her towards the Taylor GS Mini.'Oh, god' I thought, 'she's found a toy guitar'.........And then I heard it.I was absolutely stunned by both the quality of sound, and of the sheer volume from such a small guitar.Needless to say that she bought one.And so did I!!I hadn't even gone in for an acoustic .Oh, and the bag it comes with is exceptional too 

mat1980uk Publish time 25-11-2019 21:06:57

Just thought I would say hi as both fellow av forum member and also now a fellow electric guitar beginner! nice to know reading some of the very first posts here that I'm not alone in being an older learner. As for me I have no previous music background what so ever but always wanted to play guitar but never got round to it till now,for some strange reason now is the right time at the age of 34! lol, I know I have a very steep learning curve but my passion to learn guitar can't be put in to words,anyway hi fellow learners 

Goooner Publish time 25-11-2019 21:06:57


At 34 you're a mere youngster 

Be sure to check out the Xbox music games section, there are several guitar related threads there, but be sure to lock your credit card away before you enter the learning to play for real thread 

Oh, and it's not for everyone and it won't teach you to play on it's own, but if you haven't already, check out Rocksmith 2014, it's great fun and brilliant motivation to keep you practicing.

Also, again if you haven't found if already, be sure to have a look at brilliant, completely free beginners guitar course.

RBZ5416 Publish time 25-11-2019 21:06:57

Save you searching:

Xbox 360 Music Games | AVForums

Goooner Publish time 25-11-2019 21:06:57


Would've linked it myself, but not so easy from the app 

mat1980uk Publish time 25-11-2019 21:06:58

Well thanks for the reply,nice to be called young again lol as for an xbox I don't own 1  electric guitar wise my friend from Florida advised on epiphone lp standard so thats what I got.

Goooner Publish time 25-11-2019 21:06:58

Don't let the lack of Xbox bother you, we're strictly format neutral 

It's just a lot of us started or came back to guitar thanks to Rockband 3 when they introduces pro guitar, and we tended to gravitate to the Xbox forum as it was busiest.

The learning to play for real thread is not Xbox or really game related at all, it's just where we all hang out and discuss any and all aspects of guitar, great place to ask any "stupid" questions, they're a helpful bunch and you'll get lots of encouragement when the going gets tough (and it will  ) it happens to us all.

mat1980uk Publish time 25-11-2019 21:06:58

Thx groooner and I will be taking private lessons and as abit of what you could call home work YouTube and so on just looked up rocksmith 2014 its on pc so I could use that too as a little something extra
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