mat1980uk Publish time 25-11-2019 21:06:58

Also I have another thread on here about amps any suggestion welcome

Goooner Publish time 25-11-2019 21:06:58

A few of us are, or have been taking lessons, i have one a fortnight, which keeps the costs down and also gives me time to keep up with the homework.

I find them invaluable to keep me focused, so I actually do some proper practice and not just bigger about 

I doubt there's ever been a better time to learn with all the great resources (a lot of them completely free too) no more than a mouse click away.

mat1980uk Publish time 25-11-2019 21:06:58

I agree groooner now has never been a better time to learn so many resources to hand with the internet.also I will be doing a similar thing with the private lessons but to start with I'm going to have 2 double lessons to get the real basic stuff out the way eg holding your guitar correctly and so on. Saying that though I watched what must be like hundreds of YouTube vids on beginner lessons so that should speed up the start of my private lessons at the start

reevesy Publish time 25-11-2019 21:06:59

nice to see a few more postings in this thread 

no jimi hendrix but yeah don't think I would have progressed the way I have so far if it wasn't for youtube vids...lot of great stuff on there....always easier than reading it or looking at pictures in a book.

been flogging a few unused items to justify having another look at that taylor in the near future .....really is an awesome sounding guitar.

was showing my neighbour a couple of easy chords over a few beers the other you say never too late to have a bash.....just stick at it and get used to lots of repetition ....think that's the key...probably not much fun for others to listen to but essential I think.

KungFuPro Publish time 25-11-2019 21:06:59

I remember watching a video tutorial that recommended holding the shape of the chord for 30 seconds without playing, just to get your fingers used to the stretching required, it really does help, kind of like yoga for the fingers.

If I can find the video I'll post it, it was definitely by this guy,
guitarblogupdate - YouTube

hyperfish Publish time 25-11-2019 21:06:59

Jody Fisher mentions that technique in this clip.

KungFuPro Publish time 25-11-2019 21:06:59

That's the video I was thinking of, thanks! I would've put money on the other bloke, I had it bookmarked but finding it is a different matter.

Great method for any chord you're struggling with

reevesy Publish time 25-11-2019 21:06:59

straight away i can see 'freaky fingers'!

edit:....the 30 second thing is a good idea.....i used to bounce back and forth between 2 or 3 chords a lot.....I remember watching something similar when the guy suggested once in position for a chord...lift off...shut your eyes...and then get back into position.

must admit I've got a bit lazy with trying stretching exercises etc...and I keep saying I'm going to have a go at scales.....I tend to see a song I like ..notice I know all the chords andjust learn that about 30 odd songs in the bank now!

paul wellers brand new start and oasis round our way yesterday afternoon.

...brand new start is nice to play with a couple of nice touches from this guy:


real nice easy to understandtutorial

reevesy Publish time 25-11-2019 21:07:00

new guitar will be here tomorrow morning

hyperfish Publish time 25-11-2019 21:07:00

Congratulations. 

What did you go for?

Spill the beans!
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