Almost everyone I've spoken to on a really low-carb diet has failed miserably to keep the weight off. I detest pretty much any diet with any sort of name, as they're often just fads or stuff dreamt up to make the inventor money.
Some people who cut carbs put the weight back on as soon as they resume eating carbs. Others have no energy and can't be bothered exercising at all, or don't enjoy exercising as they're so lethargic, so they give up quickly. Carbs are a problem when you have too many, but it's also problematic to have too few.
I decided that I quite fancied becoming a personal trainer, so I realised I'd better get my backside in shape. I just ate sensible portions and exercised a sensible amount. That was enough for me.
To be honest, I just think too many people look for excuses or quick fixes, whereas if you commit to doing it properly then it's not actually that difficult with a bit of willpower
I was limited no carb diet and lasted all my 8.5 months. It is only this week I have bought a large loaf of bread for the first time. That will be the only one and back to the diet next week.
one of my cousins went on this so-called fad diet of 1200 calories a day, went from 27.5 stone to 11 stone in just over a year, and now he is 14 stone solid muscular, and a personal fitness trainer in L.A
I was worried this would happen I don't believe in the benefit of fad diets, but obviously some do. Obviously people have lost weight on Atkins and the like, but it doesn't mean they wouldn't have lost it the 'normal' way. I've seen plenty of people have success with healthy eating, very few who've succeeded on a fad diet. Just my 2p and experience.
Just one? That's what they all say, just wait 'til you get the cravings back Nah, just kidding, if you can stick with it, fair play to you. Each to their own and all that. Well done on the weight loss
Which fad diet was it? Just limiting calories isn't a fad. And he hasn't put on 3 stone of muscle on a fad diet. I'm training to be a PT myself and my missus is a qualified Dietician, but I'm just giving my 2p worth. As I said, each to their own.
Yep, just one. I will be having my usual Chinese takeaway on New Year Eve so will enjoy that. I am also already enjoying the treats I have bought for Xmas but it will be easy to go back to losing the pounds once all they have been eaten.
I was losing over 3 pounds a week for most of the first 6 months and the last 2.5 months have been 2 pounds at most with 0 for a couple weeks. I am hoping it will go up a bit when I start again.
Not sure it was a vlcd until he lost the mass weight, than switched
To a high protein and low carb diet and began bulking, can't go into much more
Detail as I don't Know the ins And Outs exactly
Cut out crisps, biscuits and chocolate and also cut down on bread if you can. I found that by cutting out bread completely I ate a lot more healthily and lost a couple of stone in the first few months of 2011. I was then able to start jogging and that's helping me keep it off. If you feel peckish between meals then eat fruit.
I do need to lose another stone and will concentrate on that at the start of 2012.
This sounds exactly the same as me 6 months ago, right down to the Kinect 10 minute session.
What you need to do is keep at it. Kinect worked for a little while (I mean maybe 3 weeks) but in the end what has seen me lose a stone and a half in 6 months was joining a gym and rowing whilst listening to audiobooks. The first month is hard work but the results are immediate, I can row 1km in a little over 4 minutes, have a water break for 30 seconds and begin again, repeat for 30 minutes.
Audiobooks...that was the key to getting me up and about.
Its a shame you see it that way as whilst most of us train, hardly anyone is actually in to bodybuilding in there and whilst the exercises are based around weights in the main, we could also be chatting about running, cycling and other forms of exercise. Just dive in and ask
I think this is the problem with weight loss threads that don't contain any active exercise chat in them. It all becomes pretty boring and stale and people start to drift off as they start to lose interest. When you involve exercise the chat becomes a bit more interesting as you start to learn a few more things and maybe pick up information about new hobbies you're taking about to help you stay fit. Of course maybe I've got it all wrong but that's just the way I see it
Disregard it then, as long as you're at sub 15% body fat then it doesn't matter. But anyone who is 20% body fat and above and it claiming they would look "ill" at a lower weight is fooling themselves.
I am about 6ft 2 and have a large frame (you can tell by measuring around your wrist) and weigh 13 stone. In no way do I look "Ill", and definitely look a lot better than when I was 17 stone, or 15 stone.