Good points ... I've never been a drinker and never smoked so I guess I'm already have a kind of advantage over many .
I just got hooked on processed foods , bread , muffins , croissants and spreads , toffee bars and chocolate etc
Aside from being officially obese and carrying two stone of excess fat around I was miserable , mood swings , lethargic , had indigestion issues , constant headaches , poor sleep so many problems from having a modern lifestyle .
All changed now , I don't get any of the above and never get poorly !
I used to cram cerial ( carbs ) at breakfast as I'd been told for so long how important breakfast was ( COMPLETE LIES ) , then I'd be hungry for tea and toast at morning break 11 am , then craving my sandwiches or a pie or whatever at dinner time . Constantly craving sugar and chasing carbs all day long . I developed food intolerances over the years . ...... ALL GONE 
Cutting out MOST of the crap ( still eat chips a few times a week ) and skipping breakfast so fasting each day from 9pm till 1pm the following day WILL change your lives forever .
Basically I'm regulating my INSULIN to perfect levels all day so no craving sweet stuff or carbs and my energy start high in the morning and REMAIN high ALL DAY long !!!! |