It's tongue in cheek, but clearly way over your head!
Numbers are irrelevant, what is true (and can't be denied) is that there are plenty of vastly experienced climate scientists that disagree with MMGW
The sensible approach is to view the evidence, which does not support CO2 as the main driver of recent temperature changes and expectations for the future.
What evidence? The climate is changing, it always has. Man's impact on those changes is minimal, which is why the last 10 years have shown no statistically significant warming despite increases in CO2 emissions. Further there is some recent evidence to suggest that the temperature has fallen so much in the last year or so, so as to reverse the vast majority of warming experienced since the turn of the century. The trend could continue to be downward for some time, which will cause serious problems.
Resorting to the 'scientifc consensus' argument is meaningless, given the strong evidence to show how the science, the peer review process etc has been abused to support the IPCC and their political agenda.
QUOTE=Toko Black;13845727]
Shame they forget about all the other respectable scientists that do support it and don't think it's a conspiracy yet are not funded by or directly envolved.
And yet you ignore all the respected scientists with opposing views, which suggests that the science is not settled.
Rubbish! Once again your only defence is the 'scientifc consensus' - I never said I believed in 'the opposite' of the 'consensus', I simply believe that there are a huge amount of unknowns and as stated many times there are highly respected scientists on both sides of the debate.
We just don't full understand all the factors that affect the climate and how these might change in the future.
As an educated person I can read both sides of the argument from respected scientists, and look at the evidence and make my own mind up.
My view is that there is very little evidence to suggest that man-made CO2 is driving temperature change, although it may be having a second order effect. This view is also supported by many leading climate scientists, but that does not make it right.
The science is NOT settled.
That is so naive it is untrue. You clearly haven't read any of the climategate emails which shows how the peer review process was horrendoussly abused to ensure that opposing views were not published.
If the science was settled, why would they need to manipulate data and hide opposing views?
This has been proved numerous times to be a myth.
Respected givernment scientisits in India, China and Russia do not agree with the 'consensus view' on MMGW.
Some leading climate scientists have refused to contribute to the IPCC process due to concerns about the politicisation of the process.
That works both ways.

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