Then that is where you are going wrong 
Forcasting the weather for the next 24hrs is nothing like prediciting the earths average temperature.
Imagine the difference between prediciting the average temperature increase or decrease in a bath as you add or remove hot water.
You can do basic calculations, add in heat loss through the surface of the water and the material of the bath.
It's not to complicated to work out and predict what the average temperature will be for the water in say 2 hrs.
However, if you try to predict the particular currents or eddies within the water and how temperature will change in one part of the bath to the next, you need to start using very complex models, fluid dynamics, and worrying about the movements of individual molecules of water.
Imagine trying to predict where an individual cloud will be if you know the approximate wind speed and direction .... then imagine trying to predict where a particular molecule of group of molecules will be within that cloud.
The local weather is those eddies and small groups of molecules in the bath or in that cloud, the global temperature is the average bath temperature or the position of the cloud.
Hope that helps shed some light on how massively different the two things are. |