Those are possible methods by which the Earth deals with the extra heat; they are not arguments against the heat being generated.
The cloud cover argument is totally irrational: what do you think causes the extra clouds? Heat, of course. Why do you think it possible that the extra heat generates exactly enough cloud to revert the temperature to its original value? Thermodynamically, such a stasis (in the absence of other factors) can only be maintained at a higher temperature:
1) Stasis at temperature A;
2) More CO2 -> More heat -> More cloud
3) Stasis at temperature B (B > A) where the extra cloud reflects the same amount of heat energy generated by the extra CO2
Global snow:
Here we go again, again. You are confusing climate with weather. Such excursions of weather (extreme heat or extreme cold) are to be expected when a dynamically stable system such as the Earth's climate is disrupted by feeding in extra energy. It is as valid to blame the current weather on climate change induced by MMGW as it would be for extreme heat in summer. However, as has been said many times, we can still not be certain; and no reputable climatologist is saying we can. Forget Al Gore. |