Says it all.
The video is propaganda yet you consider it 'fairly accurate' 
The first few lines show it to be drivel.
"What about all the scientists that disagree" ?
"They don't count because they don't agree with me"
.... except the number of scientists that agree and disagree is not balanced. Nor do we dismiss them off hand because they disagree.
The sensible and scientific approach is to take the consensus amongest the scientific community.
That being there is evidence to support man made affects on climate change.
Anything else unless you are an expert, which an actuary isn't I am affraid, means you are argueing against the scientific consensus.
The propaganda comes from right wing groups not likeing that the scientific consensus doesn't agree with them. So they decide it's a conspiracy, it's a cover up and insider scam to get funding.
Shame they forget about all the other respectable scientists that do support it and don't think it's a conspiracy yet are not funded by or directly envolved.
The scientific approach is to always be picking at it, but to state you believe in the opposite of what is understood as the scientific consensus without being a leading expert in the field is sheer nonsense.
It makes no rational sense and smacks of political agendas, beliefs and a lack of understanding of science, the scientific method, and the scientific community.
PS: the scientific community isn't a gang of cohorts, it's a disparet group of scientists who would happily disprove each other given half the chance becasue that is the nature of science.
Falling for the idea that it is a conspiracy shows an accute lack of knowledge as a whole.
The disenting voices would be far louder and far more reputable, rather than crack pot politicians and Fox News.
Find me a list of respectable scientists that say climate change is a myth and I bet I can show most if not all to be linked to oil companies or political groups.
I bet I can make a huge list of scientists with no such affilations or finanical incentives who are highly respected that state it's happening.
Not one national or international scientific body disagrees with man made global warming as a reality.
They all can't be in the pockets of eco-marxists. There are dissenters against the theory of evolution and that the earth is more than 10,000 years old.
Maybe that's all a myth and scam to get funding for biologists and geologists 
But then I suppose for some it's who they WANT to believe. |